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Am I the only one who thought this movie was AWFUL?! And completely insane! If everyone who watched it wasn't constantly reminding themselves "Well, this IS based on a true story...", there is no way anyone would be able to believe a single scene! Not an exaggeration! !!!

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I'd also like to add that Angelina Jolie's performance, while widely lauded, was completely ridiculous. The big hook of the movie was this was a wrongly accused woman, but she was accused of being insane, and acted fucking insane! Every scene with her was just her with a wide-eyed insane stare.
I know when a movie stars Angelina Jolie, it's not a big mystery how it got made, and this was pretty widely praised, but I think that the critical eye of the HDTGM staff will find plenty of fodder for podcast humor.

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