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Episode 30 — Pineapple Milk

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Today we'd like to impart a message of hope with Glitter in the Garbage. Whether you're feeling helpless in the face of distracted policemen, or frustrated by the incompetent customer support of your bank, we've all experienced the feeling of hopelessness. Sometimes all you're trying to do is make sure the kids of today see a brighter, more milky tomorrow when the Faye Dunaways and Chloe Sevignys of the world get you down. But take a lesson from Drew, Mike, and Chris and soldier through it. We know you can make it! We love you!

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Drew...I friggin laughed so hard when I heard the first minute. I use to work graveyard shifts. I also, loved myVodka/Tab cocktails when I came home. Serious...great. I was @ Pavillions near the Abbey and I was on 10 or less. In front of me,swear,was some woman with at least 22 items.I scoffed to myself,but bit my lip. I plopped down my two six packs of Tab, and the thunk made her look at the product and then at me,and she goes..."Where'd you get that?"
Slyly smirking,cause I recognized her, I said,"The soda isle"and I pointed to like isle 12. She frigging shoved her cart forward and strided to isle 12 and she appeared about 2 minutes later with a 6 pack of Tab. She did not acknowledge me, thank me, nothing.

As far as "MD". I really thing she invested herself into this project, and I believe she gave it, dis-regarding the Camp. Was it Bev. Drive? Her house.
Yo, Tarantino is a hottie. Did he live in Staen Island?
Very good show.

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