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Welcome back from the brake, we've just had the greatest interview ever with a transcendent comedy legend, and my personal hero. But now it's time for plugs...

Right, that was just a catchphrase submission, this IS acctualy the start of the show,

Welcome to comedy bang bang, I'm Scott Aukerman and this, ladys and gentlemen is it! the very last episode of comedy bang bang! the grand finale if you will. And grand it shall be! with all of our favourite guests coming back one last time, such as..

Ok, thats enough of that i think.. Yeah, that was still the catchphrase, this isn't the last episode, i hope.. Uh, yeah, thanks for that catchphrase submission from garyjanglteats , pretty catchy, maybe every show should start like that..

So again, welcome to comedy bang bang, im slot optimum and im a shit-stinking jizz-bitch with anus nipples. Ha, long con! still the catchphrase! Has it ended yet? Will it ever end!?

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