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I wanna exercise and diet just enough so that my man tits don't sweat through my shirt every time I take a shit.

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I'm new to all this, I've only listened to like...10 hours of this so far so basically nothing.  But it probably saved my life that night.


Anyways so I don't know exactly what his style for these things are, but I didn't like my original one and I was sitting here on the goddamn toilet at midnight and couldn't figure out how to delete my post so I just changed it.  Hi gonna go change my shirt bye

Edited by GinsuWife
my own damn stupednous

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Saved your life. I know what you mean. And I know they probably get that all the time, so I hesitate to message Scott (Paul, Lauren, Jason, Andy, Mary, and little Janet, etc.) about how their joy and spontaneity have consistently given me reason to keep going. And I'm also not really big into the community aspect of the internet, Reddit and all that. But only recently have I begun trying to get involved, and even then, only in this tiny way, and to see someone like you making a simple comment like this is part of what strength and support I get from this doofy little podcast.

More power to you, whoever and wherever you are.

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