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Episode 65.5 — 3/2/2012 TWO CHARTED

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Let's not forget about the racism in the alien history crap. I've almost never heard anyone say that aliens built European structures. Every once in a while people will talk about aliens and the stonehenge, but pyramids come up far more often.

It's always Central Americans and Africans. What about the Pantheon? The size of the its unreinforced concrete dome has never been surpassed. How could a dome built almost 2,000 years ago still stand?

Advanced surveying skills were necessary to deal with the anual flooding of the Nile. The land changed significantly each year.

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Funniest line in Who Charted history!!! "I'm a tough critic" spoken by Kulap.... ARE U KIDDING!!??!!??? Kulap laughs like an insane asylum patient at EVERY joke (or attempted joke) she hears, yet she's gonna be a "tough critic" regarding her own hubby's show?!?!?! Now THAT made me laugh!!!

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Yeah, you're right! it's ridiculous how Kulap laughs at things her comedians-who-are-also-her-friends say.


Why can't she NOT laugh at things like REGULAR folk who DON'T enjoy their PROFESSIONALLY COMEDIC friends????!?!!!!?!??!?!!?!!?!!????!?!!!!!!!!????!!!!!????! ???!!!!!?!???!!????!!?? ! ?


Give me a break.

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So you think EVERY single joke or comment Howard makes is worthy of the gut busting laughs from Kulap?? Give me a break! I LOVE that she seems so happy and is obviously enjoying herself on the podcast, I'm just pointing out that calling herself a "tough critic" made ME laugh.

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You are correct that it sounds like Kulap enjoys the podcast, Howard's company, as well as the company of their comedic guests, and that her bubbly attitude is a welcome presence on the show.


You've already nullified your point by claiming Kulap laughs (and not just chuckles, but 'gut-busting' laughs) at everything Howard does, which she does not. You have also failed to acknowledge that this show deals with many top-charting pieces of entertainment once (and now TWICE) a week, where she voices her opinion about a great many things, not all of which are positive (or popular). She speaks her mind, and when she doesn't like something she says it. You can't judge her abilities as a "tough critic" by whether or not she laughs at something one of her friends or professional comedians says (or tries to say) on the show. The show is designed for her and Howard to enjoy it and each other's company.


But yes, YOU can laugh AT Kulap (which is what you are doing) based on your condescending assessment of how tough a critic you think she is, but you're just being a dick by voicing it here.

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wow.. tough room.. youre right, I'm sure Kulap will be a very tough critic regarding her HUSBANDS show.. I'm sure she will rip him a new one if she doesnt like it..


I'm sorry I offended you, your schoolboy crush on Kulap is sweet

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Well that's the thing, isn't it? In this rousing back and forth neither of us has even mentioned the specific context of Kulap's comment— her husband's brand-new show (which was actually a very touching portion of this episode; "watching your friend achieve their dreams," etc).


Chances are, if someone is listening to Who Charted?, they got here through CBB, are looking forward to the IFC show, and want to hear that it's good from the people who care about it. No one would expect her to say the CBB show was bad, nor does anybody expect the show to be bad (it's Comedy Fucking Bang Bang!). But that assessment isn't because she "laughs like an insane asylum patient at EVERY joke" or isn't a "tough critic." It is because it is her spouse's show.


One could even posit that she would be nervous about its quality because its success is tied to Scott's emotional investment in it, whom Kulap is emotionally invested in and wants to see succeed. Positing further, she would then be pleased to see that she does in fact find what they are doing as quality, thus reassuring her of the show's possibilities for comedy, and then reporting that back to the fans of these shows.


Your comment reeked of disrespect with a sharp hint of misogyny. We all know her statement is not truly subjective. How could it be? One supports one's significant other. So how can you take her claim of being a tough critic as an objective comment in context to the subjective topic of her husband's show, and then criticize her for it without sounding like a dick? The short answer is you can't.

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by the way, I'm not trying to argue with you.. from the way you post I take it youre a personal friend of scott and kulap, so I understand your passion on this.. but as a guy who just listens to (and ENJOYS) the podcast, I found it funny to hear Kulap describe herself as a "tough critic"

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