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Do you remember the “reality-based” tv specials from the 80s and 90s that aired on Fox all the time, sometimes right before/after an X files episode? They’d show an interview with a man or woman  claiming they could feel a ghost beside them in bed, or the ghost levitated their bed, or it turned the channels on their television, etc.?

THEN they’d have cheesy, documentary-like “footage” of it (or a re-enactment) with terrible effects?

Now you have it in White Noise! I genuinely like Michael Keaton and feel bad that he is in this dreck. This is the type of movie that has The camera circle around its characters to create tension because THERE IS NONE ONSCREEN. Every moment of this movie feels as fake as an infomercial. But Michael Keaton tries his best.

Even the TRAILER barely shows anything from the movie, which should tell you something, and it recreates the tone of the movie pretty well. Here it is:


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