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How about Slither? It's recently been added to Netflix again. This is, obviously, less of a bad movie than a "how did this awesome thing get made?" movie. James was on The Indoor Kids though, shouldn't be too hard to get him on… maybe?

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Remember, he's also got a big Marvel movie that he's working on, "Guardians of the Galaxy", that features a team of intergalactic heroes consisting of such creatures as (no shit) a talking raccoon and a tree. I never imagined we'd live in a world where moviegoers still aren't too big on Superman, the cinematic future of Batman is uncertain, and Justice League has yet to rise above rumors, but Marvel is so, so far ahead of the game that it seems like they're just making some movies because someone dared them too.


I picture some sort of "Trading Places"-type scenario where one old guy is betting another old guy one dollar that they can give a Troma guy 200 million bucks to make a Rocket Raccoon summer tentpole movie, and that it'll be a hit. I want so fucking bad for Nic Cage to be the voice of that talking rodent...

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