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Get Out of My Dreams and Into My Trunk

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Billy Ocean always appreciates when his victims are compliant.


Hi, hitchhiker. OK, rather than pretending that I'm not a serial killer and making a bunch of small talk that, let's face it, neither of us really feels like doing, let's just cut to the proverbial chase as it were- and, by all means, please do not make me chase you. I just had knee surgery and I really don't want to get into all that mishigas tonight. I definitely did not mean to imply that I want to chase you around. So, just get into my trunk, please. You'll find a roll of duct tape there- duck tape or duct tape? I can never remember, anywho- use it to bind your wrists and ankles then just tear off a piece to put over your mouth. I guess you'll want to tear off a little piece for your mouth first then sort of press your face into it. Hey, you look smart. You'll figure it out. Thanks a bunch!

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