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Elektra Boogaloo

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Everything posted by Elektra Boogaloo

  1. Elektra Boogaloo

    Episode 136.5 - Minisode 136.5

    Your soul threw up? You didn't actually throw up? Because I gagged for real. Also, I just read this old article about Patrick Macnee (who played Steed in the show) because I was looking up stuff about the show. And he talked about how one of the actresses was like, "Wow, Connery wouldn't let me get away with that." Implying that Macnee was much kinder to his female costars than Connery was to the Bond girls. Which isn't difficult to believe since Sean Connery thinks it's okay to beat women. But whatevs. http://io9.gizmodo.c...wome-1714008028 I have listened to the show in the bath. And in response to Paul's question about sleeping in the bath, I've never fell asleep while bathing. But when my family went on vacations, I would sleep in the bathtub of hotel rooms because my father snored so badly and I needed a shut door between us. So people do sleep in bath tubs. Though if you were a full-grown person it might be uncomfortable. Thanks for the info on the show.
  2. Elektra Boogaloo

    Episode 136.5 - Minisode 136.5

    I have a lot of jumbled, annoyed thoughts about "The Avengers" so I'm glad it's next. Perhaps I will get my nerd notes into some coherence by next week. It does feel VERY long. Like even rewatching so clips I'm like, "Is this over yet? I have seen Ralph Fiennes be more attractive without a nose." Did anyone out there watch the Avengers TV series? It was before my time. I have seen pictures and clips, of course. I always thought Diana Rigg's Emma Peel was sexy. But also that she was very cute and more light-hearted than this? Like Uma Thurman seems like she's in pain a lot. There is zero fun happening. Is it just because her heels are much higher than Diana Rigg's? Or is the characterization markedly different? This episode contained more information about frog penises than I care to have. Congrats, Amy!
  3. Elektra Boogaloo

    Episode 136 - Hell Comes to Frogtown: LIVE!

    I had the same situation as Cameron H, I think people (tumblr) hyped "Fury Road" up too much. When I watched it, I was like "Oh it's cool car chases with a lady character." Although I did not grow up with the Mad Max series. I remember Thunderdome because I love Tina Turner but mostly that music video not the actual movie. And Deadpool was good but I actually thought it could've been funnier. I mean, it was funnier than Ant-man (another one that was billed as a comedy and ended up being a straight superhero film) but I think they could've gone further. And maybe they will in the sequel! IDK. I haven't seen the Nightly Show yet.
  4. Elektra Boogaloo

    The Avengers (1998)

    I have a lot of thoughts about Uma Thurman's eyebrows in this movie.
  5. Elektra Boogaloo

    Episode 136 - Hell Comes to Frogtown: LIVE!

    Fictional Paul is cheating on June!! Who gets Zouks in the divorce? Also I guess the taping of "The Avengers" episode just ended. Here is the guest. (Spoiler: not a muppet. Darn.) The podcast area was sponsored by Casper and there were like, beds? It looked weird to me. Possibly some visual podcast humor on the next ep.
  6. Elektra Boogaloo

    Episode 136 - Hell Comes to Frogtown: LIVE!

    Just found a person in my industry (who I don't know) tweeting about going to HDTGM tonight. I shall now attempt to force this person to become my new best friend. ... you can MAKE people like you, right?
  7. It's part of Vulture Fest (http://vulturefestival.com/). They only have an hour and a half so I they couldn't do two shows. Sometimes they go two hours on one. I"m still bummed I didn't get tickets.
  8. Elektra Boogaloo

    Episode 136 - Hell Comes to Frogtown: LIVE!

    Who do we think is the Jason of this group (the forums)?
  9. Elektra Boogaloo

    Episode 136 - Hell Comes to Frogtown: LIVE!

    I like the live eps, I think the crowd gives a fun extra energy. But I understand why some people don't like them, especially when there's a running gag about someone in the audience that the podcasters can't see. (Though I saw the scarf because I saw the pictures from this ep and Jason wore it.) As for June not being there, you have to pay attention to Paul's announcements about live shows. A couple times he says "June will only be at the first show." I think that is because doing two in a row might be too taxing for a pregnant lady or maybe she has early call times. I don't know. This is the third time it's happened. (Apple/Streets of Fire, Bloodsport/Can't Stop the Music--though she didn't end up being at Bloodsport either because of a family emergency Paul said--and now Solarbabies/Hell Comes to Frogtown). I definitely missed June's opinion on this one. I think she would've added to the discussion and I always love a female perspective. Natasha was, sadly, silent a lot. As much as people complained about Cameron Esposito as a guest, at least she brought it. Although I think Natasha's problem was she didn't really watch the movie, not that she's not funny or some of the things said about Cameron. Ooh you know who else would've been good for this ep? Nicole Byer. Imagine all the dick updates.
  10. Elektra Boogaloo

    Episode 136 - Hell Comes to Frogtown: LIVE!

    I couldn't watch this movie. I don't understand why, even if this guy is the only fertile guy on Earth (which I find suspect), why they wouldn't do artificial insemination. I mean, wouldn't you want the process to be as scientific and monitored as possible to increase the chances it would work? Also, to keep the RAPIST away from some other women??
  11. Elektra Boogaloo

    Brooklyn 99

    Am I the only one who legit cried when Mantzoukas's arc ended on B99 last night?
  12. Elektra Boogaloo


    When Paul has to "reboot" after Jason points out "Shaft" is a dick joke in "Steel."
  13. Elektra Boogaloo


    For host one liner, when Paul says he thought it was unrealistic that the dinosaur would keep his shoes in a drawer, from "Theodore Rex."
  14. Elektra Boogaloo

    Episode 135.5 - Minisode 135.5

    I don't know if I can watch this next movie. Can I just read Y THE LAST MAN again, please?
  15. Elektra Boogaloo


    How could I have forgotten Face Waterfall!!
  16. Elektra Boogaloo

    Episode 135 - Solarbabies: LIVE!

    I might change my name to "Digital June." I'm very pleased. I'm on antibiotics and not enjoying myself. Or should I have said, "I'm doing well, Paul. How are you?" Have fun, taylor anne. Take photos so we can be jealous. Also spread the gospel of HDTGM wherever you go.
  17. Elektra Boogaloo

    Episode 135 - Solarbabies: LIVE!

    I, too, have a sinus infection. Movie pitch: disease that passes over message boards out. Everyone dies but Jason Mantzoukas because he's not on twitter.
  18. Elektra Boogaloo


    Best Recreation (When a Host/Guest acts out a scene) I like Jason's impressions of Bill Pullman from "Lake Placid." "Quick. Shoot it." Whisper. Weirdest Thing Jason is Turned on By The bangs in "Teen Witch"? Best June Theory That "The Apple" takes place in space. Prove her wrong. Best Celeb Impression by a Guest Even though it's not the exact line or deliver I like when Cameron Esposito yells "LEATHERMEN DON'T CRY." Grossest Sex Talk Wet sand hand jam from "Quest"? Best Tangent The PFT and Jason discussion of maxi pads from "Lake Placid" makes me laugh. Though I always do want to point out that hotels will provide you with tampons if you ask. I like when Jason says, "Ring ring ring. My aunt Flo is here. It's a disaster. I don't know. Can you send up a roll of paper towels and some string?" Best Guest Laugh Pete Holmes' laugh is always infectious. I also enjoy how pleased with himself Adam Pally is when he gets to do his bad impressions. Best One Line Did that hurt your dick? -- Nicole Byer, Bloosport. Can we get a dick update? Best Moment of Realization (Think Rudy from Reindeer Games moment), When PFT realizes David E. Kelley writes on a yellow legal pad? Best New Word created on the Podcast I like all the names you guys came up with for Grilldor in "Masters of the Universe." Best Audience Correction and Omission Gotta be the list of all the voice over guys appearances on HDTGM from "TMNT 2" Best Thing that June is truly Upset by "He's so small." Best New Movie Pitch based on a Movie that we watch (This Movie Should have been, a Sequel pitch or Alt movie I like the Junior pitch where Danny DeVito is the baby that Arnold gives birth too. Best Guest One Liner "LL Cool J's relationship with that bird made me profoundly sad." -- PFT, "Deep Blue Sea" "Ma'am, have you tried yanking it out?" - Pet Holmes, Can't Stop the Music. Best Abuse of someone in the Crowd "Cody, you blew it. You were the star of the show." (Bloosport.) Best Second Opinion
  19. Elektra Boogaloo

    June in The Disaster Artist??

    I'm finally getting around to reading "The Disaster Artist" which oddly makes me feel really sorry for Tommy Wiseau. Paul is playing "Raphael Smadja" a cinematographer who worked on "The Room" but later quit out of frustration. The book describes him building a kind of tent in what would be called video village so he could laugh at the takes without being seen. I can totally see Paul doing the giggling. I think the Peter that Jason is playing is probably the Peter who works for the camera company. Since Wiseau bought his equipment outright, instead of renting it like productions normally do, they let him film in their parking lot in San Francisco (this is where the famous green screen roof is). Peter seems to be the go-between for the actual owners of the place and the production. At one point in the book he has to tell Wiseau that they gotta get that weird rooftop set out of the parking lot. (The goal seemed to be to keep the production afloat for 30 days--so he couldn't return all the stuff he bought--but eventually they get really fed up with it.) Or it could be some other Peter. I'm not sure. ETA: NM. Paul totally just answered who he is playing in "Ask Paul." My research is useless.
  20. Elektra Boogaloo

    Episode 135 - Solarbabies: LIVE!

    Jason is on Gilmore Guys again today, sorting all the characters into Hogwarts and Game of Thrones houses. I found it enjoyable, just FYI. Since I already sorted the Tchigani into Dothraki. Also, this is unrelated to Solarbabies but relevant to Jason's obsession with sorting: I told a woman the other day that I used to be part of a LiveJournal community that would sort you into ASOIAF houses (this was before the show) like the sorting hat then we'd try to win house points. And that I was in House Stark and she looked at me in all seriousness and said, "I'm so sorry for all that has happened to your people."
  21. Elektra Boogaloo

    Episode 135 - Solarbabies: LIVE!

    I like this. Now I feel like we missed the boat with some kind of Burning Man joke when the Nazis torched the place.
  22. Elektra Boogaloo

    Episode 135 - Solarbabies: LIVE!

    I don't know who these people are. Still SharkNAYdo4.
  23. Elektra Boogaloo

    Episode 135 - Solarbabies: LIVE!

    Better than anything I found.