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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/19/19 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    I loved playing Clue/Cluedo as a kid growing up even if I don't think I was playing it properly. I remember when Reverend Green went to being just Mr. Green. In my head canon he became jaded with the church and left the ministry. On the subject of cologne and perfumes, I remember getting some cologne at a young age and being told that we taste we our noses as well as our tongues. So there are foods you don't like to eat so that stands to reason there are smells people don't like to smell. Just because something matches your likes and tastes doesn't mean it matches everybody's so try not to force your tastes on those around you. As a result I don't wear any cologne now and when it comes to shampoos, body washes, soaps, and deodorants I always go for the non-scented option if possible.
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