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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/25/20 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    I think the real estate developers had it all wrong in this movie. These kids weren't particularly meddling, so if the villains dressed up as ghosts to scare everyone away from the rec center, they actually *could* have gotten away with it. Of course, if that happened, we could have had Electric Scoob-aloo, and that sounds pretty awesome, too.
  2. 1 point
    Quick correction, this wasn't Ice-T's film debut as he was in the first Breakin' as well as the third film in the trilogy, Rappin'. He was the only person to appear in all three films so he is essentially the Brock Simpson of the Breakin' universe. Another person that was in the film was Christopher Denis, who was the long time Superman impersonator in front of the Chinese Theater in Hollywood and one of the subjects of the great documentary Confessions of a Superhero. IIRC he said when he was trying to get into acting he did a lot of work as an extra on movies hoping to get noticed as a lookalike of Christoper Reeve to get bigger parts, only to then turn to dressing as Superman and getting paid for photo ops with tourists.
  3. 1 point
    Shes getting better. Thank you.
  4. 1 point
    Don't take it personally—Rather, have a professional take a photo of your fat ugly face
  5. 1 point
    Loved they spent a whole day outside to record all 5 episodes. I had thursday off and spent my day out driving in fresh air laughing and listening to them toss lotion and sing to helicopters together all day.
  6. 1 point
    This movie was amazingly crazy, and the podcast was amazing in response. Thanks of course to June's dissenting opinion, which I love her for even if she's 100% wrong :) Probably from her misunderstanding of pop and lock, and it seemed she was turning around a little bit at the end. The biggest ommission was June not making a comment that she could do that if she wanted to. Did I miss that, or maybe that's a sign of progress? :) Another ommission I missed hearing was some comment about the crowd scenes. I would have loved to hear Paul & Co.'s take on some of the more interesting members, like the Halloween mask, the unshaved armpits, the face makeup, or the fact that Ice-T's rapper outfit looked like he was supposed to perform at a leather BDSM scene but ended up at the wrong address. Things moved so quickly from scene to scene that the editor stood over the editing bay and played it like a scratch record. One minute someone's dancing on the ceiling, then his love interest walks in the door. Another time he's fleeing the hospital in a cast, and the next he's getting a mob of friends to cut it off so he can quick-change into the costume for the dance routine. I know there's supposed to be a 30-day time frame here, but if you told me the movie took place over three days, I say that feels about right.
  7. 1 point
    I’ve been thinking of you ever since this was announced.
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