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Everything posted by souprman

  1. hanging onto 7 as long as i can. great Q chicknsand. i'm sure greggy knows all about it. but will he tell? no he wont. why? cuz he's a shill for Bill Gates. #conspiracy #controversial
  2. I liked it before the doggy like-bait nohorseman. Hey guys here's a weather update. Minneapolis, MN - Temp: 91 Dewpoint: 67 Rio De Janeiro, Brazil - Temp: 82 Dewpoint: 65 This fuckin' place I tell ya.
  3. no mang! i'm hoping it still is on the docket. but after the shite they played this week i'm worried it's too much of an actual song? i don't know. thanks for the props.
  4. https://soundcloud.c...ugs-the-musical tried to make it downloadable. can't tell if i was successful.
  5. Good stuff MikeB! Do you like any Pauly Shore movies? This is a safe space.
  6. that's good stuff Jacob C!
  7. just a tad early to be drunk guys.
  8. Hey Gary!... Gary!.... Gary are you ignoring me?! C'mon! LOOK AT ME GARY!! Oh, sorry. I thought you were Gary.
  9. totally like if I were to title this thread I'd call it something catchy like "Content I Follow".
  10. souprman

    Lists involving the band U2

    My exp with U2 parallels Scottrick's very closely, we're close to the same age. I started seeing shows when I was 8 and so I managed to see a shit-ton of bands early. I caught them on The Unforgettable Fire & Joshua Tree tours. But then the advent of Rattle & Hum turned me off to them. The weird thing was they weren't doing any of that douchey vamping you see in R&H on their other dates. R&H I think uses footage from only 3 shows. When I saw them there was no light show, just the band killing it in a packed hockey arena. For this reason Achtung Baby was for me just a further confirmation they had fucking lost the plot completely. ZooTV just sealed the deal. Even though I definitely remember liking Lemon, it wasn't enough to get me back in the fold. Unlike Scottrick I have totally ignored them since. Cut to earlier this year, a content starved souprman gives it a shot (the podcast) cuz, well, it's the Scotts' after all. That made me go in for The Unforgettable Fire ep, then ep 21 drops like the next week. Welp, now I have given the entire rest of the catalog at least one spin. I'm really surprised at how much of it I like. A lot of it is pretty shite imo, but still some good to even great. So with this laboriously long preamble in mind I submit my fav U2 songs. I still don't know the latter two-thirds of the catalog well enough to really include any of it honestly. These are the songs that continued to play in my head over the years even as I couldn't stand what U2 had become. This podcast is now solely responsible for unburdening that little boy who wanted to be a big boy from feeling betrayed by one of his favorite bands. Thanks Scotts'! This is NOT a ranked list. 1. Bad 2. Red Hill Mining Town 3. Running To Stand Still 4. A Sort Of Homecoming 5. Lemon 6. Seconds 7. The Unforgettable Fire 8. The Refugee 9. Drowning Man 10. New Years Day 11. Promenade 12. The Electric Co. 13. One Tree Hill 14. In God's Country 15. Indian Summer Sky 16. Elvis Presley and America 17. Wire I know I could have just said the whole of Unforgettable Fire as I feel it to be their true untouchable masterpiece.
  11. Sorry, we were looking for "Thedging".
  12. You lanky gate...LINE?
  13. SteveH I now realize because only Chanson liked my post where I called you a fascist, I may have read the tone of the post I quoted wrong. Sorry bud. And as always, thank you Chanson.
  14. what does the guitar player from u2 call it when he stops short of orgasm?
  15. Quoting Sean is really lame.
  16. I woke up really late and just now realized it's not Wednesday.
  17. That's right you are. Now go to your room and think about what you've done. (Then write part 2 cause I didn't quite finish with part 1 if you know what I mean. I'm talking bout makin the pancake batter, if you know what I mean. I mean it's biscuits and gravy time. cause you got the biscuits and I make... gravy?... um, what the hell was I talking about?)
  18. never been so glad to be wrong about who i thought would be on this ep. never enough Gelman, but with Daly and Conroy? fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (well that made sense when I wrote it)
  19. GUYS SHUT UP AND LOOK AT THIS THING!! It's a Malayan Tapir calf. He lives in Minnesota guys!
  20. Dude why is that guy you're with lookin' at me all crazy? Do you think he know I'm a cop?
  21. Yeah you can't. This guy gets it.
  22. Never mind balls. Do you have the Bonobos?