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Everything posted by souprman

  1. Besser here's a little affirmation anthem for you. Just replace Ninety-Eight with UBC or I4H. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxMNXqg1NEU
  2. souprman

    EPISODE 352 — Scrunchy Face

    Sorry I'm not trying to beat you up. But I have to say you're assertion that comedic portrayals of GWB led to him being taken as less as a threat to liberties and world peace is just not true. Everyone over thirty was scared shitless when he was elected because they were around in the 80's and he was so strongly associated with his father and Ronald Reagan. You may recall they were fascist war-mongers who sold out the middle class, fostered budding terrorists in the middle east, and laid the groundwork for gutting environmental law, regulations on corporate power and free trade. Laughing at Will Ferrel and John Stewart tearing him down was the only thing preventing people from losing their fucking minds.
  3. Great post if your into the less sarcastic more even tempered sort of thing.
  4. It doesn't really matter what this guy says or what he might do different, it's similar enough for Besser to consider him another Ape. He played the clip of the guy saying he got nothing out of a UCB show to give it some context. He also mentioned his own experience doing improv with the guy. Refer to I4H #189 for more details.
  5. Doug Levison is a visionary warrior poet and all naysayers and detractors have failed.
  6. at least you're not 17, that would be gross.
  7. souprman

    EPISODE 351 — CBB: The Movie

    -10 points
  8. holy shit more will hines!! great week on earwolph.
  9. souprman

    EPISODE 352 — Scrunchy Face

    1. how dare he...? 2. bad analogy. try again.
  10. excerpt from the Making of Far Behind DVD bonus feature. Kevin Martin (singer) - I don't know Nick, I just feel stupid walking around the house not singing into a microphone. NIck Egan (director) - Kevin would you like it if we got your regular house-mic? Would that make you more comfortable? KM - Yeah, I think... Yeah, thanks Nick. My house-mic would make this feel just more real to me I guess. NE - I totally get it man.
  11. maybe these guys or these guys
  12. That's not a good analogy, no offense. Jazz is riffing on modalities based on scales within a key. A pop song is a composition with distinct sections that are not improvised. Neither are direct equivalents to long/short improv.
  13. Finally got to listen to an ep the week of. Really loved all the stuff about the close relationship between Dave and Carson Daly (RIP).
  14. souprman

    EPISODE 352 — Scrunchy Face

    3 truths I have embraced. 1. the game is rigged. 2. life is an illusion. 3. we are all doomed. accepting this has made me a much happier being.
  15. souprman

    EPISODE 352 — Scrunchy Face

    Agreed. I'd also like to point out there is a difference between an impression and a charac(ter). This is a loving satire of Senator Sanders really, not the vicious tear down of JA's Leykis. Let's face it, Bernie is a pretty goofy dude.
  16. souprman

    EPISODE 352 — Scrunchy Face

    Totally! That's why Stephen Colbert was so unsuccessful. It's like, get a point of view satire. Don't just be a cartoon! PS, I totally get what you mean by people like James.
  17. souprman

    EPISODE 352 — Scrunchy Face

    I was hoping it's a half & half (side x side) situation and the vegan and lobster personas are at odds. I will respect your premise however and from now on think of you as fake meat formed into the animal it's meant to replace.
  18. souprman

    EPISODE 352 — Scrunchy Face

    I'm just looking for some clarification on one issue; is veganlobster half lobster half vegan, or a lobster who abstains from animal based foods?
  19. All time best intro!
  20. souprman

    EPISODE 352 — Scrunchy Face

    no hay banda. and yet, you hear a band.
  21. souprman

    EPISODE 352 — Scrunchy Face

    Adomian is a wizard.
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6oXW_YiV6g
  23. To echo Kickpuncher, THE WOMAN SAID THE BOY CAN SHINE PAUL! Jeez.
  24. Some people just can't take a hint.