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Everything posted by souprman

  1. souprman

    EPISODE 348 — Is Y'all My Daddy?

    that's certainly one way to misinterpret what i said.
  2. souprman

    EPISODE 348 — Is Y'all My Daddy?

    Caramel is really subtle and super super dry. In her stand up she gets a bit far-out, but it's presented as a casual aside. Repeat listens essential with this ep I think.
  3. I hanker for a hunka, I slabber slice a chunka. I hanker for hunk of... y'know what? Never mind!
  4. souprman

    EPISODE 348 — Is Y'all My Daddy?

    Wow you are a one note wonder. You still haven't actually directly addressed anything I said. Your position is based on the incorrect presumption that I am in disagreement with the sentiments of the posts I have taken to task. Whether or not I disagree is not the point. My point is that taking the time to intellectualize a sentiment that can easily be summarized with the phrase; "I'm tired of this," is fucking pedantic, obtuse, and utterly boring. I have not suggested anyone not express themselves at all, I have merely suggested their mundane chatter is a fountain of vomit and what the fuck is the point exactly, and take it to the kiddie pool already, Twitter, YouTube, iTunes.
  5. souprman

    EPISODE 348 — Is Y'all My Daddy?

    and if you could find a bigger font to write PUBLIC FORUM in, maybe a louder font, maybe I'll get it.
  6. souprman

    EPISODE 348 — Is Y'all My Daddy?

    If you were paying attention, you wouldn't write me a reply that asks "why" to a post that provides the "why". You also wouldn't say "just because..." when your "just because..." doesn't actually address anything I said. Also the only "insight" is again some shit that ought be saved for Twitter. I'm sleepy, I'm hungry, and I don't want to hear any more PFT do not constitute insight.
  7. souprman

    EPISODE 348 — Is Y'all My Daddy?

    I wont even get into how cynical one has to be to qualify someones clearly authentic laughter as pandering.
  8. souprman

    EPISODE 348 — Is Y'all My Daddy?

    The problem isn't having an opinion. It's not about expressing an opinion. It's about thinking that your random whimsy constitutes an opinion. The supposed opinions being expressed are akin to; "I ate too much food, now my tummy hurts, I don't like food anymore." Save it for Twitter already.
  9. souprman

    EPISODE 348 — Is Y'all My Daddy?

    Why do people treat the forum like their fucking diary?; "Today I decided not to dip my french fries in ketchup. I'm not saying I hate ketchup, I just think me and ketchup need a break." Too much of a good thing? It's still a good thing people.
  10. I love it when Besser stumps for quality entertainment.
  11. souprman

    EPISODE 348 — Is Y'all My Daddy?

    I think the larger point is the compulsive need to label everything and put it in a box is a bit grotesque. More importantly it's not what satire is about.
  12. souprman

    EPISODE 5 - Mars Base 3

  13. souprman

    EPISODE 348 — Is Y'all My Daddy?

    it's playtime here folks. let us not quarrel.
  14. souprman

    EPISODE 348 — Is Y'all My Daddy?

    wow only the third post and you bust out a "high-horse". bold.
  15. souprman

    EPISODE 348 — Is Y'all My Daddy?

    No pun taken.
  16. souprman

    EPISODE 347 — Foley Slumber Party

    absolute beginners... or whatever it's called.
  17. souprman

    EPISODE 347 — Foley Slumber Party

    but the price of tacos is at an all time bargain!!!
  18. comedy-pocalypse!
  19. EXCELLENT! more focused than last year. something about adding seth and taking away hoo-hoo. next year I'd like to see this crew + horacio. but also I'd love to hear some female stoners in the mix. or do an all female 4/20 bonus ep. mostly just keep doing whatever the fuck you feel.
  20. Ya burnt and ya fired, stop perspiring you're rehired. Just stop whining to HR about my rhyming okay?
  21. This is so good it hurts. 4/20/15 may go down as the greatest day in podcast history aka podcastory.
  22. souprman

    Clip: Mr. Joe Bongo (Andy Daly) Teaches Health

    I seriously blew off every responsible thing i had to do today and just listened to Earpoodle.
  23. souprman

    Clip: Mr. Joe Bongo (Andy Daly) Teaches Health

    omg! I hope he talks that fast the whole episode. just finished the 1st ep, it's fucking perfect! so good, so good.