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Cinco DeNio

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Everything posted by Cinco DeNio

  1. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 84 Fame

    I've rented the remake (on Vudu) and will watch it tonight or tomorrow night.
  2. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 84 Fame

    OK, my original theory fell through but I'll post this anyway. I was curious where "I Sing the Body Electric" came from. I knew this song and the Twilight Zone episode. I thought maybe they were related but they aren't. The original line is from a Walt Whitman poem. The original poem was untitled and didn't contain the line until a later edition. The Twilight Zone episode is about a widower hiring an electronic grandmother (a robot) to watch his kids. That's the IMDB synopsis. I haven't seen the episode so I don't know what happens. The song came from an idea the songwriter had. He remembered the line then wrote the rest of the first part on the way to a party.
  3. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 84 Fame

    So the finale covered the dance and music departments. Where was the drama department in the showcase?
  4. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 84 Fame

    Unfortunately we know Montgomery doesn't make it. 7 years later he faces a grisly death.
  5. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 84 Fame

    You watched Fame? I watched Fama.
  6. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 84 Fame

    I wanted the teacher to come back with "Oh, yeah? Who would know how to play those instruments so they could be recorded in the computer? Who would know if the sounds were realistic if no one can play the instruments?" I did like Bruno's music but don't remember him recording anything with Coco before his dad busts out the music. When Coco said "Hey, that's me!" I was surprised. However, I LOVED that his dad was so very supportive of him. Usually parents are indifferent (the French dancer) or antagonistic (Doris' mom). To see his dad get in fistfights over getting people to hear his son's music was awesome.
  7. We already watched High School Musical.
  8. I found the theme song posted online.
  9. I know I've seen the movie at some point but only really remember the TV show. We've finally completed the long list of Alan Parker movies.
  10. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 83 Yellow Submarine

    Paul is hurt.
  11. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 83 Yellow Submarine

    I found the article I had read.
  12. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 83 Yellow Submarine

    I found an article about the Sgt. Pepper's album that said people weren't hearing it as intended until a recent anniversary box set. Since it had been recorded in mono special tricks were used to enhance the sound. All the stereo mixes most people heard lost a lot of the special audio. I'm wondering if the movie is a similar way. We might not be hearing the movie the way it was mixed for at the time?
  13. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 83 Yellow Submarine

    How much should Yellow Submarine be tied into the Sgt. Pepper album? I remember Nowhere Man from the Sgt. Pepper movie and the Blue Meanies (referenced as the Blue People) in Across the Universe. I juggled three movies in my head as I watched it. I really enjoyed the first part (up to the Beatles getting into the submarine) and the last (the fight for Pepperland). The rest, floating around somewhere, lost me.
  14. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 83 Yellow Submarine

    Ringo? Do you mean Bongo? Here John tries to joke along.
  15. In the The Commitments thread, Sing Street was mentioned. I didn't know it was also an Off-Broadway musical. Soon it will transfer to Broadway.
  16. I bought the Blu-Ray and should get it tomorrow. I'm looking forward to a good Beatles-related movie after the AtU "debacle".
  17. Oh good. I didn't look at the main board. Thanks!
  18. Apologies. I haven't watched Once yet. Will watch it tonight.
  19. I talked about Once once. Once!
  20. I apologize for taking so long to respond. We were talking about Joey but I confused the issue by also referencing the dreams I felt he was giving Jimmy and the others. Let's split them.
  21. So he wasn't really in the limo he just sent out his entourage to pretend so he had a plausible reason for not showing up?
  22. Jimmy is as responsible for the band's implosion as anyone. Openly lusting after Imelda then turning Natalie down, saying things needed to stay professional. If he'd had a chance with Imelda you know he would have jumped right in. I do hope he and Natalie got together at some point. I didn't see until recently how big a torch she carried for him. He then stiffed the guy who supplied the equipment and didn't tell anyone. (I forget who introduced them but he should have stepped in at the roller rink fight.) He wasn't paying the band and then promised multiple exclusives at the Wilson Pickett gig. The record company guy was right that (paraphrasing) "Everyone in the music business is an asshole." That included management, in Jimmy's case at least. As with everything, good communication is key.
  23. I understand but that's not how Jimmy saw it.
  24. Was Wilson Pickett late because the driver was lost? You'd think they would have gotten directions before leaving the hotel or assumed the limo driver knew the place. I wonder what Joey told Wilson to get him to the club? Would Wilson have been disappointed to see a bunch of kids instead of a full-class whatever Joey had said?