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Cinco DeNio

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Everything posted by Cinco DeNio

  1. I agree about the band being out of place. They weren't even entered in the talent show until they bullied their way in at the end. I was expecting a mini-scene where they bully the mayor or the judges into awarding them the win. I was somewhat mollified when the mayor explained the jug band needed some zing but still... I guess I need to read the original book and see how they explain it. Here's an article about it. ADDED: In pasting the picture I saw these were the authors of the Frances series. I LOVED the Frances books! Now I need to see if the library has them. I adored one with Frances and the gumballs.
  2. I don't agree that he should have won. He stole their song!
  3. Also, I read that Paul Williams was asked to write the songs for Emmet Otter's Jug-Band Christmas. He was told Emmet was a trial run to see if the studio could handle the technical tasks a feature would need. I assume they saw the good job he did and asked him to do The Muppet Movie.
  4. Third at least. Phantom of the Paradise and The Muppet Movie were the others I can remember.
  5. We've found Chuck's login.
  6. Well, grudlian, it only took us two years to get to your suggestion.
  7. I really liked this movie, now that I know I've seen it. It was very sweet and not a lived-happily-ever-after ending but accepting that things had improved. I was very worried when The Gift of the Magi short story was apparent in the plot but this wasn't as dark as I find Magi.
  8. If you want the Barbecue shirt (and who doesn't?), TeePublic has you covered.
  9. Cinco DeNio

    Booksmart (2019)

    For me the comparison to Superbad was strictly due to one of the trailers I watched. I thought Superbad was fine when I saw it but I had (and have) no desire to see it again. When I saw Booksmart I knew I would buy it and re-watch because it was smarter than the usual gross-out comedy.
  10. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 81 Summer Stock

    I also meant to ask. Has anyone seen Judy? Is it worth seeing?
  11. Pour one out for Sal. Danny Aiello died last night .
  12. Correction: Just bought and watched it so I have seen it.
  13. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 81 Summer Stock

    OK, here goes. I loved the storyline overall. I was so afraid it was going to be pure hokum or so artificial as to be unbelievable. For instance, Singin' in the Rain's meet-cute is entirely coincidental. If Gene hadn't run from his "adoring" fans at that moment and chosen that route to run away and landed in Debbie Reynolds' car then the rest wouldn't have happened. As it is he only was attracted/intrigued because she gave him as much sass as he gave smarm. (One of those "She doesn't want me?!? I'll show her!" deals.) I was afraid that's where SS was heading but was happy to be wrong. I didn't much care for all the troupe interplay and stuff. Tighten it to a "love triangle/4some" for tension instead of just how long it's going to take for everyone to come to their senses. The Abigail/Orville love story was fun the first time but definitely felt tossed in just to quickly (not neatly) resolve that scenario. Also Orville fetching Abigail wouldn't have stopped the show. Not sure what he thought that getting Abigail would accomplish. (He also didn't seem to know anything about his family's influence and friends and such. He could have contacted some of his suppliers in New York and had them help look for Abigail instead of "going all over New York". That was also a lousy shot at her, blaming his trying to find her as the reason his plan might not work.) I did LOVE the stage lights number and dialogue. It was much more organic and I could see it happening in real life. Lots of discussion of the various aspects of acting, the stage, makeup, the excitement, etc. SitR has Kathy stand on a ladder while Gene tells her about all the excitement and such. He turns the fans on to breeze her hair and the fans magically make no sound when he starts to sing. SS had sound in all the right places, ESPECIALLY that wonderful solo dance with the paper and the squeaky board. Wow was that awesome. I understand Moses Supposes wanting to show up the diction coach but a whole dance number just fell a little flat. I was perfectly on board with Make 'Em Laugh being a physical number.because Donald O'Connor was showing how far you had to go sometimes but the result made the effort worth it. The whole actors-on-a-farm thing was not needed. They only had 36 hours for crying out loud before the big barn dance/Historical Society meeting! Judy just expected them to know what was needed for each task and sort-of-laughed at them when they did it wrong. They were doing you a favor by agreeing to your terms (added after the original request which is unfair). Be considerate or they might walk out too. Hers wasn't the only barn in New England. I guess the time frame is what does me in overall on repeat viewings. We went from her being flat broke to the stage folk being completely part of the farm at the time of the dance and the dance was only the next evening from the movie's opening! Everybody took to everything too quickly, on both sides of the divide. Judy really should have given the actors the condition of helping on the farm before offering to let them stay. Gene should have talked to his actors first instead of agreeing. I am glad they addressed that a little with Judy dressing him down for browbeating Abigail. I have more but we've moved on. I did buy this instead of renting it and will definitely watch it again. It's also a fun one to listen to while cleaning at home or listening at work. It's a great pick and I am grateful to Cam Bert for the introduction.
  14. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 81 Summer Stock

    I've been meaning to post general likes and dislikes. I'd better get on that before Summer Stock gets put into winter storage.
  15. https://variety.com/2019/film/news/bret-mckenzie-jim-henson-emmet-otters-jug-band-christmas-flight-of-the-conchords-1203377846/
  16. I have vague enough memories of this as to practically say I have never seen it.
  17. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 81 Summer Stock

    Summer Stock Barn Dance Easter Parade Top Hat (w/Ginger Rogers)
  18. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 81 Summer Stock

    I go for option 3: Kelly and anybody. Kelly was good with Donald O'Connor in Singin' in the Rain and with two other guys in On the Town. It's Kelly that makes the magic.
  19. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 81 Summer Stock

    I apologize that I just read this article but it was fascinating. I had to highlight these two comments: "So it’s Henry Ford’s fault that I had to hold hands with girls in gym class!" The response: "Henry Ford was in the pockets of Big Cootie." Love it!
  20. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 81 Summer Stock

    Sommerløjer, had me a blast Sommerløjer, happened so fast I met a girl crazy for me I met a boy cute as can be
  21. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 81 Summer Stock

    I think Midsommar would have been improved by ending after the first big shock.
  22. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 81 Summer Stock

    I agree with this. I can't speak to the Sgt. Bilko show but I love him in It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World. Licking his lips when hearing the money story is perfect. The beginning of this clip is what I'm talking about.