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Cinco DeNio

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Everything posted by Cinco DeNio

  1. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 69 Girls! Girls! Girls!

    OK. It definitely wasn't Hawaii. Somewhere warm though where Louisiana is a dream place to go to.
  2. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 69 Girls! Girls! Girls!

    So where does the tuna come in?
  3. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 69 Girls! Girls! Girls!

    Duh they moved to Arizona. For their health?!?! Hawaii's climate wasn't good enough? (I assume the movie is in Hawaii.) Edit: @Cam Bert beat me to the Arizona part and said it better.
  4. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 69 Girls! Girls! Girls!

    I like My Cousin Vinny for the lesson part. Especially when Mona Lisa turns it around at the end. "Yeah, you think I'm gonna marry you." "You're saying you aren't?" "No way, you can't win a case without help!"
  5. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 69 Girls! Girls! Girls!

    Not to be argumentative I would put the boat first and the actual girls jockeying for second.
  6. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 69 Girls! Girls! Girls!

    Speaking of second viewings I will do a Rabbit showing at 9 p.m. Eastern tonight if anyone missed the movie. I also am apologizing for missing Friday night.
  7. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 69 Girls! Girls! Girls!

    I'm sure Irene Molloy will be able to answer any questions you may have. All it will cost you is a dinner at the Harmonia Gardens.
  8. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 69 Girls! Girls! Girls!

    My only real critical note is Mr. Johnson. (Surprisingly his character was a dick. A triumph of nominative determinism.) I didn't mind the plot overall and liked his "He reminds me of me" shtick but the turn at the end was too abrupt for me. It was part of the deus ex machina thrown in near the end to bring the plot to a conclusion.
  9. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 69 Girls! Girls! Girls!

    I liked the movie overall. It's strange but this had more of a "believable" plot for me than Blue Hawaii. I could see him working on a boat and wanting his own someday to the point of trying any moneymaking venture in order to fulfill his dream. I liked Laurel in general when she was taunting him or keeping him at bay but I didn't see her as a lover. That this was her first film wasn't obvious but showed here and there. According to the IMDB trivia Stella Stevens refused (maybe refuses?) to watch this film. I can sympathize. She was wasted and should have had the bigger part and she lost out to the ingenue.
  10. On the Graceland tour they have (or had - I went in 2009) a model of that home.
  11. Thatโ€™s odd. The mom thing was never mentioned on the Graceland tour. Huh.
  12. Cinco DeNio

    Late to the game, but all caught up.

    For the off-weeks we have a Musical Mondays rotation. One week the next person on the rotation picks a movie and we discuss it the next week. Feel free to join those threads anytime! UPDATE: Here is the current week's pick. We'll start discussing it this Monday.
  13. Did Consuela need more Lemon Pledge?
  14. That's how I viewed it. Especially because they made a point of saying he hadn't said one word yet. Kind of like (brace yourselves) Tommy.
  15. Started watching this morning. Got up to them sailing across the pond and hanging on the porch. Will pick it up tonight. Also, I have no plans on Friday night. I can do a showing if WatchOutForSnakes can't.
  16. Ignore my previous posts. I realized I was responding to the Elvis movie. I thought we were going to be watching the Motley Crue video.
  17. Is that "insecurity"? Doesn't seem appropriate to sing about shrimp in a movie about your attractiveness to girls. (Unless he's singing about jumbo shrimp.)
  18. Oh, boy, the director of Blue Hawaii did this one as well. Also, I'm interested to see Stella Stevens in a real role. All I know her for is Appasionata Von Climax in Lil' Abner.
  19. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 68 Dance With Me

    The one thing I know is she was dancing with him because his previous partner quit during the movie (not shown but said) and he was the "best". Vanessa wanted solely to win. (Not that it's a knock. That was her character until the very end.) UPDATE: That makes me wonder who was her partner up to that point? I don't remember ever meeting him.
  20. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 68 Dance With Me

    Last-minute curiosity question: What kept this studio going until now? It seems like the studio would get some kind of boost by Vanessa being a world-class professional but most people don't even know the place exists. (I'm assuming Lovejoy's comment that no one was coming to the party was sarcastic but still...) Also, how does Vanessa train for her pro career? She obviously can't do it while teaching and wouldn't want to show up the students in the class by dancing professionally in front of them. This seems especially egregious at the world championships where she and her partner are representing the ENTIRE U.S.A.! If I understood the movie, her partner was based out of Chicago. Did they meet in Kansas City to rehearse?
  21. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 68 Dance With Me

    Expanding on what others have said about the leads' being together: WHY?!?!? She showed no interest in him and he was physically smitten, not with her dancing. It wasn't "Hey, she's a great dancer AND beautiful to boot! I gotta get me some of that!" It was "Hey, she's hot. I'll win her over with my Latino machismo and sweaty body." Also, I felt so bad for Jane Krakowski being dumped. At the competition they made a big deal of Vanessa and Chayanne keying off each other. I'm glad she finished the dance with Julian and won the trophy but that just diminished the story's impact as well. Then to show him and her riffing at the studio and poor Jane is sent back to the chorus. Not fair at all.
  22. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 68 Dance With Me

    One big issue for me was everyone treating him like the handyman even when he showed he was more. When Vanessa Williams left him at the Cuban club he said it was a 2-hour bus ride back. So he took her to a place maybe an hour or more out of town? How did he find out about it? Why couldn't he have gotten a ride with one of the club goers? When Kris Kristofferson heads up to the pier to go fishing he says to Chayanne "I'll see you up there." WHAT?!?! You couldn't take him in your truck? This was supposed to be a trip for the both of them. Yet when Kris first meets Chayanne Kris says that the pier is several hours away! And that's with his own car! Chayanne could have been riding a bus for half a day to get there! As a side note, it drives me crazy when movies or TV shows mention places but no other identifying marks. Law & Order does that. "Hey, they spent time at that new club in SoHo." or "Next to the Chinese laundry on Seventh Avenue." OK, I'm pretty sure Seventh Avenue spans a LOT of Manhattan. Maybe you could narrow it down a bit? I understand these are fictional locations but still...) Second side note: the 555 telephone number. Now that everybody knows what it is and why it's there it takes me out of the story when that prefix is used. It reminds me the story is deliberately fiction.
  23. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 68 Dance With Me

    This is my issue with a lot of operas. I want to like them but the entire area of Montmartre in Paris speaking and singing Italian takes me out of La Boheme.