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Cinco DeNio

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Everything posted by Cinco DeNio

  1. Just a reminder that I am planning to do a showing tonight at 9 Eastern. If no one can make it by 9:30 I will close the room.
  2. Not really. There's a scene where he imitates a carnival barker to get attention but that's about it.
  3. OK, as it's noon, here we go. We are visiting the world of Ian Fleming as interpreted by his friend Roald Dahl. Don't bother reading the original book. It has very little to do with this film. We're watching...
  4. Your last clue (since You Only Live Twice was mentioned): It's sort of related to Goldfinger.
  5. You have until noon Eastern to guess.
  6. Your picture is a clue. The creator of that story had a hand in my pic. (Cameron, you are disqualified under the advisor rule. Sorry.)
  7. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 61 The Long Dumb Road*

    Apologies. Had iPad issues so I am on my PC and in the room. Watch with me in HDTGM MM: https://www.rabb.it/s/w490j4
  8. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 61 The Long Dumb Road*

    I have to at least live through the next two weeks!
  9. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 61 The Long Dumb Road*

    I think I have the room working on my iPad. HOP IN! Join me in @LetsRabbit https://www.rabb.it/s/9h39co
  10. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 61 The Long Dumb Road*

    I apologize but my demented upbringing made me think of this when you called me boo.
  11. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 61 The Long Dumb Road*

    I meant to add that the gastric bypass is most likely off for now because of needing the stent. I see the surgeon in a month to make it official. That's OK. I have a great mentor who is working with me to lose weight by eating right. I want to lose as much as I can that way so that if the surgery does happen I will be better prepared and have shown I can make the needed changes. If it doesn't happen I still win.
  12. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 61 The Long Dumb Road*

    It will be. I had to see a cardiologist to get cleared for a gastric bypass. They did a nuclear stress test since I can't run on a treadmill. The test showed a possible blockage in the front of my heart so a cardiac catheterization was the best way to find out for sure. I didn't think anything would show up because I had the same procedure five years ago and it showed nothing. I also was having no symptoms now. It was purely diagnostic. Well the catheterization DID find a blockage and they put a stent in right then. A week later I still don't feel well and my body is adjusting. I also have a bad cold that makes me cough. The cough inflames the chest wall and the stent irritated the wall so it can really hurt. I saw my primary care doctor yesterday morning and she gave me some medicines to help deal with the various issues. I should be up and running sometime next week, just in time for multiple showings of my next pick. Thank you all for the well wishes and care. I have a great group of friends here and I am very grateful.
  13. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 61 The Long Dumb Road*

    I went ahead and closed the room. I apologize for the short notice. WIll try again tomorrow night.
  14. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 61 The Long Dumb Road*

    The room is open but Rabbir won't start broadcasting until at least one other person joins. I will start the movie at 9:10 to allow for latecomers or people who want to watch one part. Watch with me in HDTGM MM: https://www.rabb.it/s/w490j4
  15. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 61 The Long Dumb Road*

    Apologies for being out of touch. I have had some health issues that don't need details. You just need to know I had a cardiac catheterization last week and had a stent put in my heart. I am still planning to host a showing of Shallow Grave this evening at 9 p.m. I can also do one tomorrow night if people want.
  16. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 61 The Long Dumb Road*

    I don't remember that but I was happy that Nat double-checked Richard's statement that there was no bus station in the one town. I thought sure it was going to be Richard BS'ing to keep Nat around but it was true.
  17. Ok Quasar, you’re going out a youngster. But you’ve got to come back a star!
  18. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 61 The Long Dumb Road*

    Are guys named Nathan usually nicknamed Nat? We always call my nephew Nate.
  19. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 61 The Long Dumb Road*

    I guess Richard got money by maybe selling Nat's stuff and the car? He seemed to have no problem with money at the end but the entire movie he was flat broke.
  20. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 61 The Long Dumb Road*

    I thought sure he was going to declare his love for the casino waitress before the credits ended. Not sure if I am happy I was wrong.
  21. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 61 The Long Dumb Road*

    That confused me because her face and actions seemed to indicate she said yes. The no came so quickly I wouldn't have "heard" it if I hadn't had subtitles on.
  22. Guess not. OK, I'll see you all on Monday.