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Cinco DeNio

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Everything posted by Cinco DeNio

  1. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 60 True Stories

    Why was there such a disparity in the singing of Louis' song between him meeting bed lady and the talent show? When he met bed lady he was all "This is a song I wrote. Not sure it's very good. Please don't tell me you hate it." It sounded like he was going to sing it acapella or maybe with a piano backing him. Then he comes out on stage with a backing group, arrangements and no fear at all! Did the voodoo guy put all that together, including confidence for Louis?
  2. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 60 True Stories

    Got it. Thanks!
  3. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 60 True Stories

    Is there any where I can buy the MP3s of the movie soundtrack instead of the disc?
  4. Okay, Cam Bert, what do you have for us? Make it good and remember...
  5. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 60 True Stories

    Well spotted! I forgot about his visit to the voodoo priest.
  6. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 60 True Stories

    I was wondering what attracted them to each other since their first meeting went SO well.
  7. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 60 True Stories

    Well this is interesting. Last week I rented the movie on Vudu because it didn't seem to be available anywhere else I could easily access. I bought it on Vudu and viola, thanks to the magic of license sharing, I now can access the movie on Amazon and Movies Anywhere as well! This is cool!
  8. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 60 True Stories

    After I posted I thought maybe that was John Goodman's friend Ramon but I am pretty sure Ramon shows up later.
  9. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 60 True Stories

    I really loved David Byrne's work in Vampire Academy.
  10. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 60 True Stories

    Wild Wild Life video (I didn't recognize Sam KInison either until I read the IMDB trivia). Also, is it David Byrne at 0:50?
  11. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 60 True Stories

    I was totally taken with Annie and "Dream Operator". I'm disappointed she disappeared after the dinner. Spalding came back but I don't remember her or the kids coming back. I did laugh at them not talking to each other directly. I liked how The Narrator emphasized that. Something like "They haven't talked to each other in years." then realizing what that implies, adding "Not directly anyway." I started watching the movie at 9:30 p.m. and it was so slow at the beginning I wound up turning it off during Spalding's dinner-table sermon. I picked it back up from the beginning the next day and am glad I did. I went ahead and bought the movie because I am sure I will watch it again. It's one you can put on and "listen" to while doing other things and you kind of watch the movie in your mind. Dream Operator is still my favorite song with Wild, Wild Life second. I didn't even get that it was John Goodman until he got up on stage. Also, were all the songs previously written and used here or were they written for this movie? I saw Wild Wild Life on Youtube as an official video and it was just the movie without the DJ's intro. In the credits every song seemed to be listed as a video so I got confused (easily done, but still).
  12. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 60 True Stories

    I don't remember the two bottom stories on the right. "Six Easier Ways to be Luckier" - maybe that's the Voodoo priest? Where was "Woman Dies of Joy!"?
  13. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 60 True Stories

    I didn't remember that but he sure as heck-fire remembered me.
  14. I am having my weekly foot checkup at 8:15. If someone (@CameronH), would be good enough to open the discussion thread I would appreciate it!
  15. If you’re flexible so is he
  16. Stanley Donen, director of Singin' in the Rain and many others, passed on Thursday. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/23/obituaries/stanley-donen-dead.html
  17. I'm looking forward to Monday's discussion. Disorder! Chaos!
  18. Shutting down for the night. I apologize if anyone tried to get in and couldn't. Rabbit's new way of doing things has it all messed up. What's worse is their documentation is old and doesn't address several major issues.
  19. Apologies. My Rabbit room is ready. Rabbit's new way has things working a little differently so I am going to wait to actually share until someone else arrives.
  20. No one's showed up yet. I'll start it myself at 9:30.
  21. My Rabbit room is open early. Watching The Sting right now. Watch with me in HDTGM MM
  22. I would be willing to do Rabbit showings tomorrow and Friday night at 9 Eastern. I'm on call for work over the weekend but I can do the next 2 nights.
  23. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 59 Passing Strange

    In for a penny, in for a pound