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Cinco DeNio

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Everything posted by Cinco DeNio

  1. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 58 The Last Five Years

    Re: The Schmuel Song Why is the girl of his dreams in/from Odessa when the entire rest of the 2-year-long song takes place in and mentions Klimovich?
  2. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 58 The Last Five Years

    Maybe LMM can take on a reboot of this show as his next project.
  3. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 58 The Last Five Years

    Subsitute "us" for "me".
  4. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 58 The Last Five Years

    OTOH, the main reason I had trouble with the Schmuel Song is the Russia/Ukraine connections seem way too esoteric for trying to spin a fable for Cathy to learn from. Other fables, like any one of Aesop's, Tolstoy's Martin the Tailor, The Cobbler and the Elves, are more generic so people can relate where they are. Trying to get Cathy to take charge of her life by relating her to a MALE tailor in Klimovich?!? That seems to be one more way where he is out of touch with Cathy's needs, wants and desires. I love the song and Jeremy Jordan's performance but still...
  5. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 58 The Last Five Years

    So, here's a different take on this. I wish I could figure out a Jacob's Ladder scenario for this without it involving Cathy's suicide on getting the letter but I can't. So I won't. I did some reading on the Schmuel song. The name Schmuel means "Asked of God". (I assume this means God is behind the magic clock.) One site had lots of theories on the song's meaning. The one I like best is that Schmuel, when he starts making the dress, goes back in time 41 years and marries the girl he'd made the dress for. What if Cathy is doing the same? She got the letter then is going back (without realizing it) to the beginning where she has a chance to do things differently? I assume she would still be in love with Jamie but maybe she could head off his worst tendencies and make him a better man and partner.
  6. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 58 The Last Five Years

    I commented during one viewing that he was Glenn from The Wedding Singer. Glenn cheated before the marriage and would have cheated after.
  7. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 58 The Last Five Years

    I'm kicking myself for not leaving the forum last night singing "Goodbye Until Tomorrow".
  8. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 58 The Last Five Years

    The swimming reading? That moment in the bookstore?
  9. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 58 The Last Five Years

    Is Shiksa Goddess the reason he comes up with the story of Shmule later? It also seems very detailed, too much to make up on the spot. Maybe he'd heard it in the past?
  10. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 58 The Last Five Years

    It seems Cathy deliberately lost touch with everyone in her past, especially Carol-Ann. In that sense she seems like Rose, only going back when absolutely necessary. One other note Cakebug made last night was that the walk through Central Park is muddled. Jamie sings his answers to the questions and Cathy asks them. Later Cathy sings her questions again or in a different form.
  11. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 58 The Last Five Years

    Sorry to be emphatic but I really don't like the movie ending with Cathy going into the house to get the letter. That zips her back from the beginning to present day. It would have been better to leave their song as the end.
  12. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 58 The Last Five Years

    CakeBug and I scrolled the IMDB Trivia last night. The pianist Anna complains about is the show's creator Jason Robert Brown. (She hands him a paper.) "The actress who plays the former stripper is Betsy Wolfe, who played the role of Cathy in the 2013 Off-Broadway revival of the stage musical." "The receptionist at random house is played by Jeremy Jordan's wife, Ashley Spencer." No wonder he wanted to take her to the bone zone. "When Anna Kendrick's 'Cathy' is singing her good audition of 'When You Come Home to Me' she is standing on the set of 'Avenue Q' graciously offered to the production by New World Stages on West 50th St." "Sherie Rene Scott played Cathy in the original off-Broadway production of The Last Five Years. Here, she graciously smiles support to Cathy during her good audition." (Sherie Rene Scott is on the stage soundtrack.) "From both sides of the story, when the relationship is new, the colors -- everything from lighting to wardrobe -- are bright and vivid, but as the relationship is ending they get darker. This helps the audience discern where any given moment belongs, in the two contrasting timelines." I found this interesting. I've never noticed the color changes.
  13. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 58 The Last Five Years

    On the third viewing last night I could see why CakeBug likes it so much. I'm excited to go see it this weekend.
  14. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 58 The Last Five Years

    Yes you did. I missed that. To me that sums it to a T.
  15. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 58 The Last Five Years

    Did Anna have any friends that she could confide in? It seems Jeremy was her whole world. When he didn't help she had nowhere to go. We never see her in any acting classes. I would have thought she could at least make some connections to help her out.
  16. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 58 The Last Five Years

    Please post here the fantastic name you gave this movie during the viewing.
  17. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 58 The Last Five Years

    That's another reason I want to see the show, to see if he's truly awful there as well.
  18. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 58 The Last Five Years

    I found out my local theater is putting this show on starting this Friday.
  19. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 58 The Last Five Years

    I have had a diabetic ulcer (a big hole) in my foot since mid-July last year. We have tried crutches, a surgical shoe, and a walking boot with padding to offload the pressure. (The ulcer persists because pressure is still being put on the wound.) Today I took the next step: a total contact cast to offload as much pressure as possible and allow the wound to heal. I have to go back once a week so they can cut off the cast, evaluate the wound and put another cast on if needed. I'm encouraged because this cast is specifically designed for my problem. Also I can't use the crutches so now I can walk more normally and have both hands free. I just walk a lot slower and lumber like Frankenstein (Frahnkenshteen)'s monster.
  20. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 58 The Last Five Years

    Like this? Thank you for opening the thread. I forgot I would be unavailable. I got a cast on my left foot this morning.
  21. The 9:00 Rabbit room is open! https://lets.rabb.it/2DomdSqJPT
  22. I've closed the Rabbit room. See you at 9!
  23. I just saw an ad. Fox is doing RENT live tonight at 8 p.m. Eastern.