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Cinco DeNio

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Everything posted by Cinco DeNio

  1. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 49 Meet Me in St. Louis

    "Meet Me in Ferguson" just doesn't roll off the tongue the same way "Meet Me in St. Louis" does.
  2. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 49 Meet Me in St. Louis

    Those elves worked awfully quickly to make new toys instead of the bag of coal she was going to get. Also, how did they afford so many dolls that she could keep burying ones?
  3. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 49 Meet Me in St. Louis

    Apparently Tootie's morbidness comes from the original book. I can't copy the PDF but here's a link. It's related to the author's childhood.
  4. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 49 Meet Me in St. Louis

    Maybe Tootie was the murderer? She WAS "the most horrible of them all".
  5. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 49 Meet Me in St. Louis

    I like how they used the term "spun sugar" for cotton candy. It was originally marketed as "faerie floss". Maybe using the generic term allowed them to avoid paying royalties.
  6. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 49 Meet Me in St. Louis

    The whole "proposing over the phone" thing was a little weird. In Oklahoma Ado Annie said something like the peddler taking her over the county line or staying the night with her (I don't remember what and Google is failing me) meant a proposal. Here they have to wait six months? ETA: Found it.
  7. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 49 Meet Me in St. Louis

    I thought the "mmmmmm" meant there would be multiple verses with a different thing each time. Nope, just drunk.
  8. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 49 Meet Me in St. Louis

    I also thought grandpa was going to loan the tux. I loved how Esther demurred going because she didn't want to go with her brother. Rose's line "If he's good enough for me then he's good enough for you!" had me laughing.
  9. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 49 Meet Me in St. Louis

    This is interesting. Apparently the Christmas song lyrics were much more on point but Judy Garland and others argued for changes.
  10. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 49 Meet Me in St. Louis

    Raisins? ETA: Cameron H. beat me to it.
  11. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 49 Meet Me in St. Louis

    There, there. It's alright.
  12. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 49 Meet Me in St. Louis

    I did like how worked up the kids got about "killing" the neighborhood families. The ringleader gave the groups all kinds of things to do. "Make sure you blow their house down, roof and all!" That kind of thing. Also, what were the kids burning? Tootie and Agnes' mom made a comment about stealing a hammock from a neighbor but she wanted it back when they were done. They weren't going to burn that.
  13. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 49 Meet Me in St. Louis

    Was there a scene I missed where we see why John was so taken with Esther? I never understood his motivations during either viewing.
  14. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 49 Meet Me in St. Louis

    I had seen this years ago and didn't like it. Watching again yesterday was much more enjoyable. I thought last week people said there was a song for each holiday (a la Holiday Inn) but I missed Halloween's if it was there. I agree about viewing it with a 21st-century lens. Even though the maid was white she was still expected to feed the family?!? The dad made a big fuss about carving the corned beef but then ordered her to do it anyway. I get the dad was not really a villain but he was so stubborn he couldn't see the family's unhappiness until the very last minute. I would have liked to see him take a stand with his bosses and then announce he had talked them into letting the family stay instead of just announcing it to his family.
  15. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 49 Meet Me in St. Louis

    Great minds think alike. I was just about to post that!
  16. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 48 School Daze

    I'll do one last post on Do the Right Thing and hold the rest for the Unspooled episode.
  17. Also, Last Christmas was written solely to rehabilitate George Michael's image. He was shown as a cheating bastard in Careless Whisper so they had to do something.
  18. Sounds like you're one of those people who think Die Hard isn't a Christmas movie. How dare you!
  19. I first thought this movie was a sequel when Dolly Levi went around handing out her business cards at the World's Fair.
  20. I have seen this before but it’s been years.
  21. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 48 School Daze

    I watched Do the Right Thing for the first time last night. If anyone is willing to discuss it with me I have some questions. Spoiler alerts ahead. 1) First a statement. This made its points much clearer than School Daze but yet I felt I was being hit over the head with them more explicitly. Maybe that's a hangover from having seen School Daze first. I'm not sure. However this was a more powerful film and left me dazed. I am honestly not sure I could take another viewing. 2) Was it really necessary for Pino, and then Sal, to go right to the N-word? Especially Sal. If he really had been in business there for 25 years, and watched these kids grow up, why did he still think of them as shiftless lay-abouts? Especially Radio Raheem. Raheem had probably been comng in there since his birth and NOW his radio was a problem? 3) Did Mookie even have an arc? It seemed like he was there solely to stir the pot. Could that have been done differently? I have more. That will do for a start,
  22. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 48 School Daze

    "Only a Gamma man is a real man" (or "Stay away from Gamma Rays" -- your choice)