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Cinco DeNio

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Everything posted by Cinco DeNio

  1. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 44 Easter Parade

    IMDB says Frank Sinatra was originally cast to play Jonathan. Maybe that would have softened the age gap some.
  2. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 44 Easter Parade

    She also danced in red ballet shoes for her nightclub dance with Fred Astaire so she wouldn't tower over him.
  3. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 44 Easter Parade

    Dumb question. Which number in Easter Parade had her shedding feathers? I guess I tuned out or something as I don't remember it.
  4. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 44 Easter Parade

    I wasn't thinking of Happy Easter but The Girl from the Magazine Cover reminded me of the fashion dress montage in Singing in the Rain (and I liked Singing's better).
  5. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 44 Easter Parade

    For me it's the third time. I've been screening The Great Gabbo starring Erick von Stroheim and he mentions it as well.
  6. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 44 Easter Parade

    On a separate note I loved both that Nadine sent her maid to spy on the show and that the maid wanted to stay "just to make sure it was horrible" (not her words).
  7. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 44 Easter Parade

    It was an IMDB trivia item:
  8. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 44 Easter Parade

    The next year the waiter starred with Gene Kelly and Frank Sinatra in On the Town. I read somewhere that bit parts like that were used as large-scale screen tests. If the audiences responded to the bit then the people were given bigger roles.
  9. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 44 Easter Parade

    ABSOLUTELY! I meant to mention that so kudos!
  10. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 44 Easter Parade

    Don't you mean "Yo, Astaire is kind of ascary". (I'll show myself out.)
  11. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 44 Easter Parade

    And they all have 2-word titles (if Swing Time was the other movie). Put him in a movie with a title of more than 2 words and see how he does.
  12. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 44 Easter Parade

    His treatment of Nadine and then Hannah is why I call him a cad. If he wasn't interested in Nadine why drown her in presents at the beginning? Why spend all that money on someone he was friend-zoning? Then when he picks Hannah he dictates everything. Doesn't even give her a chance to say yes or no to anything. ETA: Maybe I misunderstood the quote. I'm talking about Astaire being a cad when I talk about spending the money. Lawford I just felt was playing the field and wooing whoever was in front of him at the moment.
  13. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 44 Easter Parade

    Setting aside the cruelty of drowning a kid in drums so Astaire can get a bunny to go on top of the mountain of other gifts he's already bought, what about the THREE "delivery" guys standing outside holding all those gifts while he's jumping around the toy store? Also, where did the other two guys come from? There was only one at the beginning and there are three at the toy store. They are all wearing identical uniforms. That means they had to stop and call in reinforcements twice during this shopping spree. (Also, Astaire never asked if there was another bunny available. He just fixated on that one.)
  14. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 44 Easter Parade

    This is the first Ann Miller performance I have seen. Now I understand her being referenced in Rocky Horror Picture Show shout-outs. When Columbia is doing her tap dance someone shouts out "Eat your heart out, Ann Miller!".
  15. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 44 Easter Parade

    I should have expanded on the "abrupt" comment. didn't see any signs he was falling in love at all throughout the entire movie. I admit I didn't care for any of the characters but Hannah. They all seemed like cads , impressing their own agendas on everyone else. An IMDB trivia note mentions how every time Lawford called Nadine he gave a different number. In a different context that may seem charming but here it's just odd.
  16. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 44 Easter Parade

    Agree completely. I wasn't sure about Astaire and Nadine but definitely with Hannah and Lawford. I really did think there was a My Fair Lady/Pygmalion thing going on but that was because of the casting of Astaire. He seemed so much older than everyone else, even Ann Miller.
  17. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 44 Easter Parade

    Pretzie approves this comment.
  18. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 44 Easter Parade

    Fred Astaire as a hobo reminded me of Eliza Doolittle's dad in My Fair Lady.
  19. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 44 Easter Parade

    When I started watching I couldn't get over the ladies in the hat shop. I get that the dresses kept the focus on the hats and not the ladies. But did they have to dress like that to come to work or change into those dresses whenever someone wanted to see a hat? That was also an awful large number of ladies to keep around just to model hats. Lastly, wasn't it Easter Sunday when the movie opened and the shop still had that many hats available to sell? Maybe they weren't such great hats (as confirmed by Judy Garland later in the movie :-D)
  20. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 44 Easter Parade

    What's worse is I had stepped away when "Fella with an Umbrella" started. I just heard it and thought it was Astaire singing it. It wasn't until I rewatched it that I saw it was Peter Lawford. I agree, his character did seem pointless.
  21. Cinco DeNio

    Episode 193.5 - Minisode 193.5

    Ah, I see. That's what I get for not having listened to the minisode yet. The "edited" version is a special one and the "unedited" is the normal streaming option. Thanks and sorry for the confusion. I can at least post a link to their Twitter page.
  22. Cinco DeNio

    Episode 193.5 - Minisode 193.5

    Zonkers? Got it.
  23. Cinco DeNio

    Episode 193.5 - Minisode 193.5

    Is the unedited version available for streaming rental anywhere? I can't find either version on Amazon and (I assume) Vudu only has the normal version.
  24. Cinco DeNio

    Episode 193 - Blues Brothers 2000: LIVE!

    Love the Scribbles shirt!
  25. Cinco DeNio

    Episode 193 - Blues Brothers 2000: LIVE!

    Well, duh. His name is John GOODman not John BADman. Side note. I've never seen King Ralph but that would be the movie with the potential to be bad.