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Cinco DeNio

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Everything posted by Cinco DeNio

  1. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 43 Piya Behrupiya

    We can talk about Blues Brothers 2000 for the rest of the week to prep for Friday's episode. :-)
  2. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 43 Piya Behrupiya

    No worries! Yes, you can skip it. I appreciate everyone's giving it a shot but my feelings are in no ways hurt if you shut it off. I did the same thing halfway in.
  3. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 43 Piya Behrupiya

    Cam Bert, now is the perfect time to regale us with your Twelfth Night stories. Otherwise I will have to profess my admiration and enjoyment of Shakespeare in Love.
  4. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 43 Piya Behrupiya

    Thank you but I didn't think I was being adventurous at the time. However, SyFy.com agrees with you about The Lure. Their article is titled The Lure is the Citizen Kane of feminist killer mermaid synth-pop musicals.
  5. Cinco DeNio

    Episode 192.5 - Minisode 192.5

    Regarding Paul's slam on Vudu: I use it mostly for their frequent movie sales and free viewings (with ads). However one problem I have with Amazon Prime is I can't find a way to change the audio format. The audio is greatly softened on my TV (via my Blu-Ray player) but on Vudu and elsewhere it's OK. With Netflix I can pick the 2.0 format and that always makes it louder since I don't have a 5.1 system (or even a stereo).
  6. Cinco DeNio

    Episode 192.5 - Minisode 192.5

    I have to go over hill and Wensleydale to find a group that is so punny.
  7. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 43 Piya Behrupiya

    A lot of reviews I've read of the stage play mentioned the 1st half drags. People enjoyed the 2nd half so much I thought sure there was a laugh track until I saw audience members moving around. (There still could have been a laugh track though.)
  8. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 43 Piya Behrupiya

    I missed the big Bollywood dances. I saw the first one and thought it would continue like that. Also I learned a new word today: "harmonium".
  9. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 43 Piya Behrupiya

    Wikipedia to the rescue as to the title (and would have warned what I was considering picking). I thought "rupiya" was some take on rupee but not so.
  10. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 43 Piya Behrupiya

    What was the point of "Andrew"? I assume there is some pay off in Twelfth Night but I didn't see him end up better off in Piya.
  11. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 43 Piya Behrupiya

    The good news is this was a special filmed event to preserve a stage production. The costumes were much more elaborate than the stage show's. (Pictures below.) It's obvious the cast is playing to the cameras instead of the audience and that reduced some of the enjoyment for me. However the cast had performed this over 100 times on the stage so they were well familiar with every move and gesture yet still appeared like a lot of things were surprises. I have to give them major props for that.
  12. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 43 Piya Behrupiya

    At the risk of shutting down the discussion I agree completely. I shut it off at the intermission and considered not watching the rest. I did pick it up another day and am glad I did but it just lost a lot in translation. It appeared to be a big hit in India when performed live but it definitely is India-focused. However I loved the moment in the first half when "Cesario" rubbed off her mustache in private. That was very touching. I also enjoyed the fool occasionally but the rest was too broad and played for laughs even when the scene itself had no laughs. (I assume, anyway. I haven't read the play.) Apologies to all but thank you for giving it a shot. I will screen the selections next time.
  13. Are we now required to only view Bollywood films where a word is repeated in the title? Granted, the 2nd "piya" is the end of the word but still...
  14. Since this pick has the word "Piya" in it twice it gives me a chance to post the video of one of my favorite Bollywood songs. [media=''] [/media]
  15. "You got your Shakespeare in my Bollywood!" "You got your Bollywood in my Shakespeare!" As we have done both Bollywood AND Shakespeare, why not combine them. Two great tastes that (hopefully) taste great together. We're watching I have not seen this myself. I started watching it and shut it off after 10 minutes because I wanted to discover it with you all. (I also skipped a local production of Twelfth Night as I'm not familiar with the play and didn't want this performance spoiled.) Unfortunately it's only on Netflix in the U.S. and Canada but I think we can set up a Rabbit session to screen it for Cam Bert and others if they want. I would be willing to host if someone helps me set it up.
  16. Everybody Wang Chung tonight!
  17. Cinco DeNio

    Episode 192 - Striptease: LIVE!

    Unfortunately Boogie Nights came out the next year. I think that would have done more for his career if it had come first.
  18. The disc has the extended edition. I only got rights to the theatrical option for streaming.
  19. I decided to get the Blu-Ray/Digital combo for $9.99 and will buy BB 2000 on streaming. I don't want to have to pay twice for the original movie and want to make sure I get all the special features. (It has the Unrated/Extended version with more musical numbers as an option.)
  20. Participation is great. Reenactment is...discouraged.
  21. Serious question. Should I buy both movies? I've never seen BB 2000 and I assume we'll discuss it at least in part. Best Buy has a good deal right now on the original movie on Blu-Ray plus digital copy for $9.99. I could get that and rent BB2000 or get both w/out digital for $14.99. I've seen the original enough that it would be good to have on hand.
  22. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 41 Hello, Dolly!

    It was a good pick! I enjoyed discussing it.
  23. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 41 Hello, Dolly!

    [media=''] [/media]
  24. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 41 Hello, Dolly!

    Can you share that card with Mr. Wensleydale?