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Cinco DeNio

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Everything posted by Cinco DeNio

  1. How did the stupid detective get an identical match of William's outfit WITH yellow hair to escape off the boat? Was he pretending to be William so he could get off earlier/easier?
  2. I think they were showing how stupid he was. Like that was his idea of incognito. "Everyone in Britain knows Sherlock Holmes so if I dress like him I'll blend right in!" levels of stupidity.
  3. This looks like the sort of fine, upstanding Englishman the White Star Line would hire to serve their first-class (or at least second-class) passengers. He looks like he's wearing someone's hand-me-downs and the someone is several sizes larger. Also, I think the voice in this scene is different than the voice through the door when he shows up at Angelica's cabin. Thirdly, there was a downblouse shot shortly before this. Seriously, a downblouse shot in a kid's movie!
  4. Yes, she definitely stayed on but didn't sing Nearer My God to Thee. Weird. YouTube commenter bobisheaux says:
  5. Here's the whole mommy/daughter introduction.
  6. Since everyone's being kind to me about the longer version I'll just mention a couple things. (I realize I didn't step on people's toes. Sometimes mentioning another version before the commenting week can throw a wrench with people wondering which one to watch.) 1) The voice casts in the shorter and longer versions are the same but used in different ways. One article I read mentions scene order being changed, lines removed and such to make the shorter version, but I only noticed one of those things (mentioned in item 3). 2) The songs used in the shorter version were written for the shorter version. The rap is a rap but the background music is not. The love song kinda sorta makes sense in the longer version but it's not in-your-face, repeated like I felt the shorter version was. 3) There was a slight piece cut from "Nanny's" explanation as to why Angelica was abandoned. I'll have to watch the part again as I've forgotten the reason. (Also the YouTube video is terrible quality, both video and audio. The audio sometimes repeats for no reason I can see. The video quality is less defined than the shorter version, sometimes making it seem like we're watching someone's drawings on a piece of paper as opposed to an animated film. Here's the rap. Skip to 4:15 if the link doesn't take you directly.
  7. I don't think Molly ever realized it was a locket. She just said "Ooo, the Heart of the Ocean!" and was sold. (To be fair she didn't seem to get much of a chance. Wasn't the Titanic sunk the first night according to this telling?)
  8. I said the other version was longer. I didn't say it was less fucked up. Yes, the dog is Fritz. He says he's in charge of how the animals behave on the ship. He's a less asshole-y First Officer. He's the one who locks the cat and chihuahua in the cage.
  9. I'd forgotten about that but absolutely!
  10. I haven't seen the movie but wasn't War Horse supposed to be told from the horse's perspective, talking about World War I events? I thought I remembered seeing articles about famous people performing the horse role during its various stage runs.
  11. 'Twas the Night Before Christmas was told from the mouse family's perspective.
  12. I'm REALLY interested to hear how gigi-tastic first found out about this movie.
  13. Not just that but they only mention people that survived! What if I wanted to know what happened to Molly, for example?
  14. This is my Letterboxd review. @Cam Bert added The Three Caballeros.
  15. I agree and recommend the shorter one. I apologize for stepping on toes and mentioning the longer one. 56 minutes was enough madness for me. (I just finished watching it.)
  16. The weird thing is the dog raps “Take That”.
  17. This one presents it in parts. It was probably uploaded when YouTube didn't allow videos longer than 10 minutes each. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOX7UHoT1Ug&list=PLvx-SwXK7CVEsprYlhmOVCnh3SA6Z0V9p
  18. Here's a link to a full-length version but it's Rifftrax-style with a woman commenting on everything. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTTxr4WA914
  19. I found a copy on YouTube but it's the 56-minute cut-down version. There is an 82-minute full version as well but I am having trouble finding it. Here's the YouTube 56-minute one. (The added time is credits and deleted scenes.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFZE7m-nhJA
  20. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 86 Purple Rain

    Taking nominations for this weekend's side movie. Maybe Gregory Peck in The Purple Plain?
  21. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 86 Purple Rain

    Here's my favorite song from Graffiti Bridge.
  22. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays Week 86 Purple Rain

    I finished Graffiti Bridge. It's enjoyable but light. Prince is still a jerk but figures it out at the end. A friend of mine said he's seen it several times so it's not a bad movie. Prince wrote and directed it. Almost makes me wish he had done that with Purple Rain. It's very spiritually-focused, with Heaven & Hell as big themes.