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Cinco DeNio

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Everything posted by Cinco DeNio

  1. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays - Week 16 - Krush Groove (1985)

    Mine was Holly Rock, mainly because it showed a different side of Sheila E. than I remembered. Here's an extended version. [media=''] [/media]
  2. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays - Week 16 - Krush Groove (1985)

    The Krush Groove director also directed Disorderlies. Not sure what to make of that.
  3. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays - Week 16 - Krush Groove (1985)

    This raises my largest issue with the movie's existence. What was the timeline in reality? Supposedly Rick Rubin started Def Jam records in 1984, the year before this movie! Yet the movie is supposed to be about Russell Simmons and all the success Def Jam had? According to Def Jam's Wikipedia page Rick Rubin wanted to work with Russell because "He was five years older than me, and he was already established in the music business. And I had no experience whatsoever." Huh? Why doesn't the movie show any of that instead of portraying Russell as a clueless hustler?
  4. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays - Week 16 - Krush Groove (1985)

    I was creeped out by Markie Dee hitting on that young girl.
  5. Cinco DeNio

    Musical Mondays - Week 16 - Krush Groove (1985)

    Agreed. I didn't understand why every other performer used their real/stage names but Russell Simmons became Russell Walker. Was it because a different actor was playing him and everyone else played themselves? It wasn't even an established actor they brought in. This was Blair Underwood's first film.
  6. Cinco DeNio

    Episode 166.5 - Minisode 166.5

    Speaking of reading, I know what I'm reading this weekend.
  7. Cinco DeNio

    Episode 166.5 - Minisode 166.5

  8. I've always been a fan of Rubens' work.
  9. Kahlo me a cab. I want out of this thread!
  10. I know tomspanks is saying "Cry me a Rivera."
  11. Shakes tiny fist at tomspanks.
  12. DeGaulle of some people! (Oh, wait. We're doing painters.)
  13. Cinco DeNio

    Episode 166.5 - Minisode 166.5

    I've heard of carrot & raisin salad but not raisins (golden or otherwise) in cole slaw.
  14. Do you need a Matisse-u?
  15. Does going to Miami make him a Cub(an)ist?
  16. He just went to Miami for the Monet.
  17. If you can't bring the Heat...
  18. The stuff link must have been the inspiration for UCB's Ass Pennies sketch. [media=''] [/media]
  19. I don't think I've watched any of them but I should. I'm a fan of Betsy Palmer (Jason's mom) from her days on the TV show I've Got a Secret. She passed away two years ago. http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/movies/moviesnow/la-et-mn-friday-13th-mrs-voorhees-betsy-palmer-20150601-story.html
  20. I wear glasses. I don't get a headache from 3D but usually take my glasses off once or twice during a movie. One other thing I haven't seen mentioned is how much darker the 3D picture is from the polarized lenses. I am glad we're not doing the red/blue thing anymore but I'm not sure the loss of brightness is worth it. My other issue is how it sometimes makes movies look like a glorified ViewMaster reel. I saw Spiderman in IMAX 3D and loved it but the Washington Monument scene was glaring. Sometimes wide shots in 3D shrink the picture so you lose perspective or it feels like you're watching the action from an airplane.