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Posts posted by The_Dude_Uh...Bites?

  1. On 3/23/2013 at 2:13 PM, choochoo_the_wonder_slut said:

    I wouldn't call this a bad movie at all, and it still holds up pretty damed good 25 years later. It's pretty good for what it is. Sure, I wouldn't cast Roddy Piper in "There Will Be Blood" or anything, but he was better in this movie than any other former WWF wrestler has ever been in anything else. I'm surprised Hollywood hasn't rebooted it yet to be honest.


    By the way the South Park guys did the fight scene shot for shot here.


    I love this movie as much as the next guy (this fight scene in particular is great), which is why I want the episode.

  2. This movie's trailer contained almost exclusively action. Being a small, feeble-brained child, I assumed this meant it would be an action film. I was wrong... horribly wrong... terribly, horribly wrong. The movie contained only one action scene, which turned out to be imaginary. The actual plot was unbearably sad. NO JOKE! My bear died.
