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Everything posted by SideofMcG

  1. There's a lady who's sure all that glitters is gold - her pawn shop is going out of business.
  2. Break on through to the other side but ensure you use a supporting joist in that gap. Hi I'm Jim Morrison and welcome to DIY Doors.
  3. Hello darkness my old friend. What's that? HR want to talk to me about the racially insensitive nickname I've given you?
  4. Live Aid was all holograms. Charity conspiracy theories are where I'm at right now.
  5. They call it oral sex but nobody's ever talked to me about it. Hi! I'm Pope Francis, welcome to Vatican Blowjob Weekly.
  6. One for sorrow, two for joy, three's company, four seasons in. Binge watching baby, you know what I'm talking about
  7. Clothes maketh the man. Children maketh the sneakers. Sweatshop Bugaloo!
  8. Back in my day a 'selfie' was when you took a photo of yourself, not this autoerotic asphyxiation thing the young folk are up to these days.
  9. Saved by the Bell: The Autopsy Years. "They won our hearts, now we're dissecting theirs."
  10. You know what they say - "Small hands, cheaper gloves."
  11. I phone, you phone, we all phone for the ambulance but it's not going to get here in time, the vice president is going to bleed out right here in KFC.
  12. Shut Up Yer Face. Sell Off Your Face. Find Better Retail Premises Elsewhere.
  13. "I'm on top of the World Ma!" - One of the Braggy Globetrotters
  14. Brexit? Why that's just the British version of CraigsList.
  15. Despite all my rage I am still just a chef who hates sage.
  16. Keenan and Quelle Surprise!
  17. If you love something you are a weak baby and your enemies will exploit that vulnerability. Do not be soft puppy child. Be rock. Be Island
  18. Search for the hero inside yourself. Kill it with fire.
  19. Patrick Swazye did a roundhouse in Roadhouse, some flirty dancing in Dirty Dancing but no joints broken in Point Break. What gives?
  20. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, or take part in Naked Thursdays.
  21. This antacid is terrible. More like Pepto-Absymal! Take that Procter & Gamble! Welcome to CBB with our new sponsor... Procter & Gamble...fucksticks!
  22. I've heard of a catching a phrase but catching the plague? That's never going to catch on.
  23. As the Irish say may the road rise up to meet you, smack you in the face and then talk shit about you behind your back you English Bastard.