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Everything posted by SideofMcG

  1. Hey who here remembers nostalgia? It wasn't all that great when you think about it.
  2. If a rolling stone gathers no moss then how come Keith Richard's selling his lichen collection on eBay?
  3. If I was you and you were me then what I'm about to do wouldn't be illegal in 47 states at least
  4. I like bagged nuts and I cannot lie, you other squirrels can deny
  5. I've heard of a smart phone but a smart choice? Doesn't sound like something that'd interest me.
  6. You make me feel, you make me feel like a natural enema
  7. Are you there God? It's me Margaret. Stop screening my calls God, I know you're fucking listening you prick.
  8. There's a hero inside all of us, there's also a po' boy and a BLT. We just love sandwiches.
  9. i said a hip hop the hippie the hippie to the hip hip hop, the hip operation. Your ligament is worn away Mr. Wonder Mike, you need a full replacement.
  10. The early bird catches the worm. Early man catches the woolly mammoth mostly.
  11. He's not the hero Gotham deserves or needs.... or wants.... or has any desire to see in a skintight outfit. He's Flabman, vigilante cake eater.
  12. I don't mean to boast but if I was any more charitable you'd be wearing my skin right now.
  13. Who among you can honestly say you've never Binged how to Google.
  14. A bird in the hand is worth two in the butt.
  15. Welcome to Bangity Com Com I'm Auck Scotterman. Stay tuned for my scat version of the national anthem.
  16. Just thought of a Sister Sister joke which would be great if it wasn't 15 years too late and culturally inappropriate to do incest material round here
  17. If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs then congratulations you're Henry VIII
  18. Hickory Dickory Dock. Hickory Dickory Port of Call: New Orleans.
  19. Where's the beef? What? It's where? INSIDE the cow? Holy shit, that cow ate all our beef?
  20. I've never been an ass man. I mean what would your super powers even be? Flatulence of Justice? The action figures wouldn't sell. This meeting is over
  21. If you're going to bang a gong please use protection. We don't need lots of baby bells running around this house son.
  22. FYI: In ancient Greece catchphrases were illegal and used as currency in prisons. Hence the term 'I'll give you five bon mots for a handjob Onassis."
  23. Welcome to Comedy Bang Bang I'm the second part.... wait, that's too familiar.
  24. I've got no tiny fruit today. You could say I'm "mini apple-less" but I wish you wouldn't cause it's a terrible fucking pun.
  25. Yeehaw is Texan for Ye Olde Haw which is what they used to called Haw Sheridan - the oldest man in Dallas.