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Everything posted by SideofMcG

  1. SideofMcG

    No you imagine dragons, nerd.

    Your Mom imagines dragons.
  2. I'm not PantsLESS, I'm PantsFEWER.
  3. I'm a head-in-the-railings, call-the-fire-brigade cause I ate all the butter kinda babysitter. Why do you ask?
  4. Buying word games to own the mad libs.
  5. Doggone it, Maude Gonne, yo boy gone to Sheboygan.
  6. Slam this juggernaut into reverse and drive me backwards to Sheboygan baby!
  7. Snore me another 5 hour podcast Joe Rogan.
  8. There once was a man from Nantucket. He was allergic to rhymes.
  9. Shove it. Love it. But never Danny Glove it.
  10. Jelly on a plate. Helly of a date.
  11. In space no one can hear you scream. But in spatz everyone can hear you scram.
  12. If I said you had a beautiful body would you be able to hear me? Can anyone hear me? HELLLO??? Ah nuts. I think I'm dead.
  13. St. Patrick drove the snakes out of Ireland. "Fasten your seatbelts my slithery pals," He said.
  14. I scream. You scream. We all scream because we forgot our passports and we're already at the check-in desk. There's no way we're making this flight. Thanks Dave, it was your job to put them in the carry-on. You've ruined our vacation. I want a divorce.
  15. SideofMcG

    Episode 587 - No Relation

    One of my favourites of the year so far. Actually said 'holy shit' out loud when Maya said her Dad drummed with Steely Dan! Bring back Dan Lippert a lot please! He and Drew Tarver are super funny.
  16. I'll be the unexpected item in your bagging area if you catch my drift. And if you catch my drift I've got something else you can catch. An STD. I have the clap.
  17. Beavers my dear, they don't build me dams.
  18. Woah! I know Kung-fu Panda.
  19. Singing hey nonny nonny hey. I've come to take your car away. REPO-GRAM is here!
  20. Don't be shy, let one fly. Flatulence for everyone and nosepegs for all!
  21. Dead Spouse or a Beheaded Mouse? We'll sort it out! Yes it's No Moral Cleaners. We're literally criminals!
  22. SideofMcG

    Episode 206 - Little Italy

    Loved Jason calling people out left right and centre this week! Franklin Leonard and Silversun Pickups should be on the show and write a theme respectively.
  23. Come out ye Black and Tans. Come out and podcast like a man.
  24. Dribble fo' shizel but don't nibble on my kibble.
  25. You can't whore out MIke White before Labor Day.