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Everything posted by kateacola

  1. kateacola

    Episode 157.5 - Minisode 157.5

    Was kind of hoping they'd have the Lake House ep be next.. I have so many questions.
  2. +1 on the strawberry flavor being bomb.. I like that brand too but have not ventured to different flavors. Willy Wonka is one of my favs..
  3. I will say I do like red licorice. but black licorice I'd say: & if we are debating the spelling... you see how I stand.
  4. Oh good, maybe I'm not alone... Thought I'd be in the minority on my opinion of the movie. And yes, Id like to know about the coconuts too...
  5. What kind of licorice we talking? Red or black? Or do you mean both?
  6. ^This. I didn't hate it, but definitely was disappointed. I think it could grow on me a little if I watch again, but don't know that it'll ever stack up or be close to the other two.
  7. "Gotta use oil-based paint, cause the wood is Piiiine" Lol If the songs in the movie were more like the Simpsons parody, it would've been a WAAAY better musical.
  8. Yeah it was pretty rough.. I mean one of the songs was just about passing a can of beans.. But yeah, if I complete the DLM challenge this year and all it gets me is understanding and/or appreciating Simpsons references more... I'm OK with that.
  9. LOLOL same... and I sat and watched the whole thing
  10. I started watching last night.. will finish up tonight but have a feeling I may be out-numbered next week? We'll see... But after watching (most of) this and other "classic" movies this year-- that I've never seen before-- I am finding I understand more references in Simpsons eps OR more fully appreciate the references after actually seeing the films.
  11. I've also never seen but have wanted to Excited to watch and to talk more musicals with you all.
  12. Oh wow..no I haven't. I'll have to check that out. Did he cover band member names? Maybe if U2 comes out with a new album and Scott & Scott do a new ep..Andy should be their guest?
  13. Well maybe we say he's "not" BUT she must've found Neeley:
  14. I relisten to it ALL the time & also wish U2 would come out with a new album for some more UTu2TM?
  15. Is it not high quality rock and roll, uhhh music?
  16. kateacola

    Episode 157 - Surf Ninjas: LIVE!

    The Game Gear notoriously was a battery drainer : per wikipedia 6 AA batteries for only 3-5 hours?? Was the little brother carrying around a shit-load of batteries? ETA: ^whoops nevermind I see you said the same thing
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QsPDAlN4H5E ^what my mind went right to about the poll..lol I woudn't say he's totally ugly, but definitely not my type. Going to say "not"
  18. Yeah-- I don't really get why JC in this would have a big following in the first place? He's not performing miracles, not really helping the sick & poor..."heal yourselves!" Seems to only be preaching to people on the kind of people they should be and being kind of self-righteous about it. No wonder Judas is annoyed with him. And in JCS, Jesus doesn't seem to know his purpose.. Or know /have the goal to die for everyone's sins..."why should I die?" "if I die what is my reward?"
  19. I think I will... I have been warned, but I am curious.
  20. Tommy is the only one that you guys have done for MM that I have not watched yet... But you all do reference it a lot so I feel like I should...but then when you do reference it I think maybe I shouldn't.. haha