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Posts posted by grudlian.

  1. 8 minutes ago, Smigg. said:

    I can't remember if anybody's brought this up, but in the myriad of the word "Jam", Charles Barkley, Basketball and Video Games, how about this forgotten gem... Barkley: Shut Up and Jam!  The edgy "street" equivalent to NBA Jam, to show how edgy it is, whenever the ball was loose, Barkley would say "GO GET THE DAMN BALL!"


    As a weird tangent, someone made an unofficial sequel to this called Shut Up And Jam:  Gaiden that is a post apocalyptic JRPG where basketball is illegal. You should be able to find it to play easily with a Google search.

  2. 1 hour ago, AlmostAGhost said:

    Larry Bird retired in 1992, he wasn't current.

    The whole reason they got Michael Jordan is because he wasn't current. I'm just referencing him specifically because he's in the movie. Within the context of the movie, it doesn't make much sense to have Bill Murray play and not grab Larry Bird.

  3. 1 hour ago, GrahamS. said:

    I would say Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.1. It took me a minute to think of—because I agree, soundtracks aren’t as big as they used to be—but I fucking love that soundtrack and it’s super-popular.

    The only other one I can think of are O Brother, Where Art Thou and that just barely fits within the last 20 years. Black Panther also had a pretty well received soundtrack but it definitely wasn't bigger than the movie.

    If you want to skate by on a technicality, Jesus Is King by Kanye West had a movie with a very limited theatrical release. So, the album was bigger than the movie but that's really pushing the definition of soundtrack and movie.

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  4. Like Paul, I had never seen this before. I know we watched a lot of it in elementary school music class, but I don't know if we ever finished it.

    I liked the movie okay. Many of the songs are great. Julie Andrews is great. But I also agree with every criticism brought up in the episode. I don't know any of the characters in a three hour movie. The movie abruptly changes for the worse once they marry.

    I'd also argue that the ending is such a slight problem. Yes, it's terrible people were forced to leave because of the Nazis but the story of a wealthy family were able to leave easily without harm isn't a super compelling story of evading the Nazis. Especially when the real story of the von Trapp family was a much easier escape where they simply left by train.

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  5. I didn't get the chance to rewatch this for Musical Mondays but I have seen this and liked it quite a bit.

    Whenever I complain about a movie like Greatest Showman or Jobs picking a real life person then telling a mostly fictional story as their biography, this is the kind of movie I'd prefer. We all know this is Bowie and Iggy Pop, but it isn't technically them.

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  6. 1 hour ago, taylor anne photo said:

    If my memory is correct, someone else pulls the comments for him to read. I know he's incredibly busy these days so I'm not sure how much he gets on the forums anymore (if you see this Paul - you're always welcome here with open arms). So, I believe that he is truly reacting to things he reads this way because he has no idea that entire things have been omitted. Can't explain how he could forget an entire quote from Spirit of Christmas tho 😜

    Also found out today that he does receive gifs on his text app so I have in fact been sending him Family gifs throughout the day lol. This is my contribution to the greater good.

    I believe Paul has said someone pulls the comments and he then whittles it down further.

    I assume whoever reads the boards is different from whoever pulls the phone calls but I don't think he's said. I feel very sorry for whoever screens the calls because we've heard some unbelievable calls. I can't imagine what doesn't make air. 

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  7. 17 minutes ago, CaptainGeech said:

    HAHA.. ok, I'm laughing cuz I'm so confused right now.  I was gonna come on and say "oh no, caller 'stole' my comment"  (and WON!)...or at least, ya know, ALSO knew the same part of the story. Regardless, I was glad that the cricket dying by hammer was brought up in general. 

    BUT THEN, Paul immediately reads my comment, and omits the part where I was referencing the fact he died by hammer in the original story. Which was kinda the whole point of the comment.  lol..."REJECTED"...oh man.  Not sure if that was selective editing or honest oversight.  Just wonder if I can take a small slice of the caller's nothing as I see myself out.

    Part of my post not read:
    "...one element of the source material that never got mentioned was that (in the source material)  when Pinocchio meets the talking cricket who warns him about being disobedient, Pinocchio throws a hammer at him and kills him."

    Without that, it makes it sound like I think the cricket is a ghost for ghost sake...I was saying he's a ghost BECAUSE they were alluding to the source material and he got stepped on (rather than being hit by a hammer). 

    ugh, now I just sound like an idiot.  [trumpet: wha whaa]

    Also, glad he played the DDF confrontation that was edited out of the episode. It was a great part of the night.


    At least your comment wasn't read verbatim by a caller which has happened a couple times.

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  8. On 2/2/2020 at 1:18 AM, RyanSz said:

    Yeah it was confirmed during the film of Hobbs & Shaw that at least the Rock wouldn't be appearing in this film, Statham hasn't been confirmed or denied so far. I did get a nice chill at the reveal at the end of the trailer, but that along with the reveal that John Cena is apparently Dom's brother, this series has gone from over the top superhero film to soap opera. Also after revealing that somehow Han has been alive and just been hiding out for apparently years, I have to assume that they approached Gal Gadot into coming back as well but were unable to get her because she was filming Wonder Woman 1984, because if two of the three big "deaths" at the end of Fast 6 have now been proven to have not happened, then she should most definitely still be alive.

    I was avoiding the trailer for spoilers but since friends, and now the minisode, have ruined that for me, I watched the Fast 9 trailer.

    In theory, I'm fine with Han coming back. If Michelle Rodriguez can die (she died in 4 right) then come back, it's no less ridiculous. I think it's weird that a person so dedicated to family never mentioned a brother. I'm even fine with that because Dom's family isn't necessarily blood and that's perfectly normal.

    What worries me about these revelations is the writer isn't Chris Morgan. As ridiculous as this series gets, he has been the writer since Tokyo Drift. He's been able to walk the line between awesome and stupid that miraculously works somehow. I don't know if someone else can do that with these characters.

    I haven't followed the behind the scenes of this but I kind of wonder if Vin didn't have something to do with Chris Morgan leaving. It looks like Morgan is writing other stuff and maybe he's just busy. So, I'm just speculating.

  9. 1 hour ago, Cameron H. said:

    We used to get together on rabb.it and watch movies together. Sometimes for MM and sometimes for something we used to call HDTGM Classics. Basically, we would get together once a month and watch a HDTGM movie. It was a lot of fun, but the site we used, rabb.it, shut down. We’ve been trying to find something to replace it ever since. Kast looked promising, but I guess not.

    I'm not totally ready to give up on kast. Most of us had occasional trouble hosting on rabbit. So, I don't think any site is going to be perfect yet. I think rabbit was slightly more intuitive but people are using kast the same way we used rabbit.

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  10. 22 minutes ago, Cinco DeNio said:

    Sorry.  Grudlian was a trooper but it didn't work.  Kast has issues.  I will read up on their tech docs and see if I can get it started another time.

    It seems like a needlessly complicated setup. I ended up downloading the app because it pushes it so hard. I thought it might be easier than through the browser. I could get to a place where I think I might have been streaming something from my end. I can't say for sure though.

  11. 35 minutes ago, Cinco DeNio said:

    I would pick Paul Greengrass for his documentary style (Bloody Sunday).  Make the movie more like the auditions.

    This is a good option I haven't thought of.

    I was leaning towards James Franco just because of Disaster Artist. I think he was able to get to the heart of these people chasing dreams of celebrity but I'm not sure how he'd handle a big cast with intersecting stories.

    I also like Greta Gerwig. I think one of the best things about this movie is how vibrant it can feel. I think she could do that well. 

    28 minutes ago, Cameron H. said:

    Just curious, has anyone tried Kast yet? I keep meaning to check it out but keep forgetting. I also saw some people say it’s not that good—that the streaming can be laggy. 

    I tried it shortly after Polly Darton suggested it. I didn't notice any lag on the audio or video. I just jumped in some random room though and wasn't in it long. So, maybe I was lucky. 

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  12. 44 minutes ago, tomspanks said:

    I probably liked this more than most here.  Maybe it's because it was constantly on tv, but I didn't have a problem with the number of characters.  Sort of like high school IRL, you know of lots of kids in your class peripherally, but you don't really know their story beginning to end.      

    My favorite part was the graduation scene.  Loved the song, the choreo, the familiar faces in the audience, and the warm gold light in the auditorium.  It was such a hopeful and joyous moment, but also heartbreaking because we know most of them will become struggling artists.  

    I actually liked this just fine. I think there's a lot of energy in the performances and the direction. I think a major motion picture in 1980 having a prominent gay character or a white woman pursue an interracial relationship were a big deal at the time.

    But I can't deny that a lot of the major plot points come out of nowhere (except a lot of it is very stereotypical so it's not a total surprise). I get that major life changes can be unexpected but they seemed to all be out of nowhere. So, my primary complaint is that I want this to be longer. I'm kind of thinking of just watching the series now.

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  13. 1 hour ago, Cam Bert said:

    I agree. There are small moments that just kinda flesh out what life in the school was like. There are a few highlighted extras that you see in scenes, but we never get more from them than that kind of slice of life. Those moments are great and add more to the kind of documentary feel. 

    I just think back to the scene in which Coco gets a ride home from Bruno's dad. She pretends to live in a nice apartment to secretly take the subway.So she's ashamed of where she's from but it's not like Bruno was a rich kid or anything. Yes he had all that electronic equipment but his dad is a cab driver. Then I started thinking about "Oh, does she not want him to know where she lives because he likes her." Which again, she seemed to be vibing with him at the piano. Then none of it matters because there is not resolution to it any of it. It got me thinking "Oh, is that suppose to be a slice of life scene?" If it was it just seemed to be odd those were the characters chosen to make that point.

    Exactly. It's weird because a lot of movies add obstacles only to resolve them minutes later. Fame is almost the exact opposite in that every plot point is almost never resolved or, in many cases, even addressed again.

    Also, Doris is one of the few characters who has a logical arc. She wants to act but is too scared to perform in front of others. She finally gets the nerve from her love of Rocky Horror. This is years later though. It's ridiculous that a school so competitive that it requires auditions let's anyone stay who presumably can't act and showed no interest/aptitude for dance or music. What was she doing until her junior year? This should have been a story for freshman year alone.

    Putting her story next to Ralph who lives a full lifetime to become a drug addict/failed comedian in the span of four years. It's a very weird pacing of stories for everyone.

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  14. 10 hours ago, Cam Bert said:

    So when the movie was done I was left with the question, "Did I enjoy that?" It's been a day and I'm still not sure I know the answer to it. I know it wasn't bad but I'm not sure if I enjoyed it or not. I think that's largely due to the movie jumping between all the characters. They wanted to show you all these different students and their stories and their lives but at a certain point this movie becomes the Ralph, Doris, and Montgomery story. Their story takes up most of the running time. The only problem with that is because you spend so much time with them we just kinda drop in on the other kids at their most dramatic. The other students don't really seem to have any clear end or middle or beginning to their stories. The closest to a full story outside of the main three is Doris. She shows up and states her intention to sleep with Leroy. she sleeps with him, she gets an abortion. Yet you have Bruno and Coco and their thing that goes nowhere, and it end of Coco being sexually assaulted. I get it because "these things" happen but next thing you know she's happy at graduation. It's just weird. Also there is electronic music at graduation so I guess Bruno won in his struggle with the teacher again this storyline just kinda left unresolved. Part of me wishes we saw more of everybody else or at least show us less and focus more on the core three. This sort of imbalance left me just a bit confused and frustrated.

    Sorry I couldn't be here for my own movie, but I had a weird day.

    I agree with a lot of this. I wasn't sure how I was going to feel about this going into it. I really like the auditions segment. That was a half hour of movie based on probably a  day or week of the students. Then four years is condensed into an hour and forty five minutes. Since we're condensing their time so much, we barely get to know these characters. We alternate between conversations that don't lead to much and the most important moments of these kids lives. Both extremes are presented with the same weight (which kind of makes sense because I understand "unimportant" conversations can be the most important when you're a teen). For a movie though, it's weird. We're functionally seeing 10 minutes of each characters entire year and sometimes it's just them sitting around telling the audience what their lone character trait is. Each new year felt like they were cramming in something slightly crazier to "progress" the "story" for the character.

    On the other hand, there are some great moments. The movie feels really alive in parts. I think the acting is really solid. I wish this was longer so we could actually get to know these characters or get to know them beyond some cliche stereotype.

    Basically, I can see why this was a successful television show because the biggest problem is we need more time with these people to truly appreciate them. I know some characters were really cut short or almost entirely removed to let others shine. So, I wouldn't be surprised if they filmed four hours of material. I'd be really interested in a super long director's cut of this.

    9 hours ago, GrahamS. said:

    I agree that the teen is selfish, but the teacher is equally horrible. one of the the things that stood out to me about this movie is how little I liked ANYBODY, except for Irene Cara, who is rewarded for being likable by being exploited. Also, the OJ girl was easily the best part of the movie.

    Quick side note on how this film can be read as unintentionally racist: Leroy can’t read, refuses to “speak right,” has an affair with a white girl whom he presumably gets pregnant, leading her to get an abortion that he’s not there for for some unknown reason, is portrayed as a selfish asshole for not sympathizing with a teacher who has only given him shit and not actually taught him anything.

    it feels like it goes out of its way to check several stereotypes.

    This is weird for me because I felt like Irene Cara didn't actually stand out much. The imdb trivia said one character was basically cut to let Irene Cara shine and I couldn't tell you anything about her character. She sang Hot Lunch Jam and get assaulted on camera and I couldn't describe anything else that happened to her. I guess she's supposed to be the star of the film but I'd put her under Doris, Montgomery, Ralph, Leroy and electronic music kid.

    I thought the movie was going to be better about race when they had Raul insist on going by Ralph and liking Freddie Prinze. I think it does say a lot about non-white people wanting to assimilate themselves to succeed in the arts without explicitly saying it while the other stories very much announced everything about themselves in big bright letters.

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  15. 5 star reviews from Japan, slapping Jason, and more on this week’s mini-sode! Paul offers advice as he opens up the Paul Help Line, goes through Corrections and Omissions for The Master of Disguise, and opens up the Mail Bag. Plus, find out which movie we will be watching next week!

    This episode is brought to you by The Daily Show Podcast Universe.   Subscribe to Unspooled with Paul Scheer and Amy Nicholson here: http://www.earwolf.com/show/unspooled/ Check out our tour dates over at www.hdtgm.com! Check out new HDTGM merch over at https://www.teepubli…wdidthisgetmade Where to Find Jason, June & Paul: @PaulScheer on Instagram & Twitter @Junediane on IG and @MsJuneDiane on Twitter

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