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Posts posted by grudlian.

  1. 10 minutes ago, Cam Bert said:

    This may be a controversial stance, while I don't think this was a good movie I don't think I disliked it though.

    The story is beyond simple and the snooker players are very cartoony, but it just made me think about why aren't their more sports based musicals and how other sports could translate into musicals. Snooker, when not at the highest level, could make for a lot of musical chances as one person sings as the other plays and back and forth. I appreciate the big swing and miss they took and can't hate them for it. I probably won't remember any of the songs, but I like the gumption of those involved and hope they went on to try more unique and new things.

    I agree with all of this. This is clearly a wholly original idea. I have to admire just getting this to screen. 

    • Like 3

  2. 2 hours ago, Elektra Boogaloo said:

    I like perfume but I like it when it's light and I think (hope?) only I can smell it. It's for me, not other people. I want it to be like other people would have to smell my neck to know. It's a big fear that I have that I'm putting on too much and other people are annoyed or their allergies are triggered.

    If people follow the walk through a single spray in the air, I don't think it's a big deal. But I also think perfumes/colognes generally don't smell good. I'd rather have the absence of odor than any manufactured smells. 

    I'm just really sensitive to perfumes in general and, other than hand soap which I can't find unscented anywhere, I don't have anything in my house with perfumes. 

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  3. I need to back up June and Paul about cologne. Anyone wearing perfume and cologne can stop. I'd even argue people with scented deodorant, scented anything can stop. If you want to have something to cover up odors in your bathroom or near a litter box or something, that's cool. I don't want you bringing new scents outside your home.

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  4. 4 hours ago, sycasey 2.0 said:

    (Some SPOILERS in here if you haven't seen Joker.)

    Also, what kind of network talk show in the 1980s would want to show low-quality footage of some unknown amateur comedian?  Would they really consider that worthy of an on-air bit?

    Early Letterman could maybe fit this bill but certainly not to the extreme of Joker. He definitely invited regular nobodies on air and made fun of them with Stupid Human Tricks. 

    3 hours ago, AlmostAGhost said:

    I really wish they had made this gritty, real movie, but he still somehow fell into a giant vat of acid and came out insane.


    Besides stuff others have said, this was my biggest issue with this movie while I watched it was linking it to Batman. As a movie about an abused, mentally ill man, it's good enough. Every time Bruce Wayne came up, it was laughable. When they showed the origin story for Bruce was the most groan inducing thing I've seen in a while. If this wasn't a super villain origin story, it's just an insulting look at abuse and mental illness.

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  5. 2 minutes ago, AlmostAGhost said:

    I liked the movie pretty well, some of it is quite amazing, but my main complaints are superficial. First, we don't need the Joker's background filled in. He's better as pure chaos, I don't want the logic on how he got there. It's scarier and much more villainous without it.

    Second, that backstory seems fairly obvious, no? A loner who lost his job and been abused and struggling comic? These aren't very creative choices. Why not like make him like a successful sitcom actor who somehow flips out? Or what if he was the Robert DeNiro tv show host instead? The Joker is a wild character and his backstory, if needed, should be insane too.

    The idea of him being a failed stand up comedian who finally breaks comes from a graphic novel The Killing Joke. I don't think it was ever his officially canon origin but its certainly the most popular origin for the last 30 years. 

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  6. 3 hours ago, theworstbuddhist said:

    As long as we are warning people about taking over the boards if/when a certain movie is done, I should warn you that this will happen with me when they do Megaforce, which was the Montreal live show. I have seen this film so many times. The only one I would go harder at is Road House, but I assume they won't ever cover that picture. I would probably also go off on an episode about Torque, but I wonder if they are not doing that because it would offend Adam Scott? I really wish they would do it with him as the (willing) guest.

    My pick for the movie I would go way too hard for is No Retreat No Surrender. I would maybe travel just to be in the live audience.

    • Like 2

  7. 18 minutes ago, Cameron H. said:

    If The Godfather movies weren’t so long, I probably would too. Together they’re almost 6 1/2 hours! That’s basically half the Halloween franchise!

    HDTGM I can justify a little better. I’ve already seen Star Crash and I’m guessing that the Friday the 13th live episode they did will be the Halloween episode.

    As someone who is binging the entire Halloween franchise currently (planning on skipping the Rob Zombie ones though), Godfather might feel an awful lot shorter.

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  8. 4 minutes ago, Cameron H. said:

    Right, which is why I said it sometimes helps. My point was more, and perhaps I didn’t explain it as well as I should have, if you watch a movie and it doesn’t work for you, you shouldn’t have to keep watching it until it does. 

    Like if I don’t like a movie,  I don’t want someone to say, “Yeah, but on your third or fourth rewatch it starts to get good!” If I don’t like it, or it didn’t “grab” me for whatever reason, I’m not going to devote 6-8 more hours of my life watching it again and again until it finally does. I don’t have the time for that. It’s like if I don’t like a television show and someone says, “It starts off slow, but it gets great at episode six!” Fuck that. I’m not going to waste my time sitting through something mediocre with just the promise it might get better. If it’s capable of being good by episode six, then it was capable of being good with the first episode.

    Like I said to Taylor, I only rewatched it for the podcast, and the reason I asked if she rewatched it was to see if her opinion stayed the same.


    Yeah. I'll agree with this. Im not going to force someone to watch something again. Maybe with enough time in between but certainly not a third time. If someone puts in the time for a second viewing, they've done more than enough.

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  9. 36 minutes ago, taylorannephoto said:

    I couldn't agree more.

    And I bet in 20 years when the next gen of kids finally all start seeing Dazed & Confused I bet they would say the same thing and just be like, "Seriously? That's it?"

    Maybe because Dazed And Confused isn't all that great? I'd even argue Everybody Wants Some is better and doesn't feel as much like nostalgia for some recently bygone era. 


    42 minutes ago, Cameron H. said:

    No, I totally get that. The only reason I watched it again was for Unspooled, and I was super apathetic about the prospect. :) I really wouldn’t recommend watching it again if you don’t have the mind to. In my mind, a “good” movie shouldn’t require multiple rewatches. I mean, sometimes it helps, but in my opinion, if it’s truly good, then it should grab you the first time.

    I disagree with the idea that a movie has to grab you the first time. I've definitely grown to appreciate movies I dismissed the first time. Sometimes I'm not ready for them. Sometimes I've misinterpreted the movie. Sometimes I'm just not in the mood for a particular film.

    For example, this movie. I saw it once when I was probably 10 and, like Taylor Anne, at the insistence of my mother. I didn't get it at all. To put it in perspective, my mom had to explain that Wolfman Jack was a real person and that guy was the real Wolfman Jack.

    This time, I got it. But I think the nostalgia porn aspect of it isn't entirely 1962 but also that time in your life. You could change this film to 1982 or 2012 and the themes are still relevant even if the details like music and cruising the strip have changed. This is as much a movie about teens in the verge of adulthood, being stuck in the same town forever, being unsure of the future, the last night with the only friends you've ever had, and so on. There's nostalgia to it but it's not just baby boomer porn. It's practically a Bruce Springsteen song on film.

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  10. 34 minutes ago, tomspanks said:

    Re: "the girl next door" song, the title is "Forbidden Planet" for some reason?  And in the song, Sara spends most of the time saying she's not the girl next door, although she was literally the girl next door?  

    I assume her assertion that she's not the girl next door is that she's not the colloquial "girl next door" archetype even though she seems to fit that definition as well. So, you're right. She couldn't be a more on the nose example of a girl next door.

    • Like 2

  11. 18 hours ago, PollyDarton said:

    Hey guys,

    I just wanted you to know that I have played around a little with the application that has replaced rabbit, Kast. It works a little different since you choose to broadcast your screen or a browser on your computer, but it's the same in a lot of ways.

    I started a private group: https://s.kast.gg/g/6282ikcqdb

    Perhaps everyone who is interested give it a try... perhaps we can resume classic nights?




    I messed around with this for a couple minutes and think it should work for us. I didn't try to host anything but this looks like a pretty solid replacement. It directed me to get Chrome when I tried to open the link in Firefox. So, maybe you need the app if you don't use Chrome?

    This looks like a pretty good find, Polly!

    • Like 1

  12. 18 minutes ago, Cameron H. said:

    I couldn’t help wondering who this movie was for. It was too sexual for kids, too immature for adults, and far too lame for teenagers.

    That was my thinking. I thought this was going to tweens but it was too sexual. When it started with just kissing, I thought that's all it would be. Just kissing as a stand in for sex. I don't think I'd want a 10-12 year old watching this.

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  13. This felt and looked like a rejected Disney Channel original movie or an early 2000s emo music video.

    I think it's very weird this went from popular iTunes exclusive to theatrical release. I know straight to video movies have gotten theatrical releases eith some minor success like Left Behind but it's hard to believe the higher ups thought this would do well making that leap.

    • Like 2

  14. I don't have anything to add except sobe interested in Marilyn Monroe may want to check out the movie My Week With Marilyn. It's set during the filming of Prince And The Showgirl. Itechoes what Amy said about her being not great on set but, once she gets a take right, she absolutely does it better than anyone.

    • Like 1

  15. 1 hour ago, Smigg. said:


    That happened to me on the Rockstar episode.  It got to the point where I am almost certain that one of the people who called in, just came on the boards, and just read my posts, and just repeated them verbatim.  It didn't make me think "Fucking asshole, stealing all my hard work!" because I had a fucking BLAST finding little caveats, it's one of the few movies where I get to really deep dive into it, because it's the shit I know and love.  But it was more a case of "Mate, join in with us!  Have some fun",

    Yeah. I remember this definitely happening. I don't remember if it was the Rockstar episode but someone definitely called in and read a comment. It was weird because I was thinking the idea sounded familiar. Then too familiar and I had to check the boards. I want to say I even asked if whoever wrote it called in to read it themselves. 

    I obviously don't mind when there's parallel thinking or a really obvious omission that anyone can come up with. We're not super geniuses here and don't expect wholly original ideas. But reading a comment word for word? Dang. What's going on in your life where you need that kind of validation?

    • Like 7

  16. 10 hours ago, RyanSz said:

    Definitely interested to see how this is handled, as it does appear to be a nice mix between the humor/lightness of Shazam and the grittyness of the other DCEU films. I do like that they are using a rarely used villain as the big bad for this with Black Mask, as it appears The Batman is just sticking with the road most traveled with the villains being shown in that film.


    My immediate reaction to this was a big groan. DC seems like it's maybe figuring itself out with Wonder Woman and Shazam. I did think Margot Robbie was good as Harley Quinn.

    But I'm not huge on Harley Quinn in general and DC still has all the baggage of being centered around gritty bad movies, losing their cast and general management. So, until they get a few more solid movies under their belts, I'm still treating their work with mild disdain until proven wrong.

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  17. 5 hours ago, DanEngler said:

    After considering many options for a symbol of "friendly encouragement about thorny issues", I've added a new reaction type that I hope everyone will find suitable.

    I really hope this is site wide and a bunch of people never see this thread. They'll always wonder "why is hedgehog a reaction?"

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    • Hedgehog 5