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Posts posted by grudlian.

  1. 13 hours ago, GrahamS. said:

    That was the original cut. The 220-minute cut was only released by Criterion a few years ago (and I saw it through the library). It is definitely slow, but I split it up over two nights and ended up having  a lot more respect for it than I thought I would (there’s a rumor that Deadwood was partly inspired by its unglamorous Western style). The longer cut adds over an hour of material and apparently fixes the glaring plot holes from the original cut, including giving us more Christopher Walken, which I’ll never complain about. I’m not saying it’s flawless, but in some ways I enjoyed it more than the Deer Hunter (which was Cimino’s previous three-hour epic).

    The extended cut of Heaven's Gate is great. It could have been shorter I suppose but I've never seen the theatrical cut to compare. I do think it's weird that the shorter cut left in the full roller skating scene which felt long in the extended cut.

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  2. 5 hours ago, Cameron H. said:

    Like Paul, I’ve pretty much purged almost all of my physical media, but I disagree with him putting Raiders of the Lost Arc in the “R’s.” While it might seem counter intuitive, because it’s a part of the Indiana Jones series, it should really be filed under “I.” 

    Also, perhaps controversially, all Bond movies should be filed chronologically and under “B,” and Predator movies should be filed under “A” with the Alien series.

    Ultimately, it’s more important that a movie series remains intact than for your collection to be strictly alphabetized.

    I'm very anal about alphabetizing and the easiest way to keep series together is box sets. I've got a box set of the full run of James Bond films and Indiana Jones which really alleviates this problem.

  3. 6 hours ago, Cam Bert said:

    As much as I love the pairing of Matthau and Lemmon, in all their films together I find their pairing in the odd coupe to be the most questionable. I think this is due to issues with the Felix character.

    Best pairing of Matthau/Lemmon? The Fortune Cookie.

    Maybe it's because it was the first team up of theirs that I saw, but it's definitely Grumpy Old Men for me.

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  4. If the only place to realistically get the movie without spending $25 is going to pornhub, that's a really disappointing thing for the show to do to the audience. Even if the movie isn't porn, making the audience go to a porn site (understanding we don't need to watch the movie but ideally it's an option) to see it is definitely not cool. A lot of people don't want to see the adds on the side or support an industry that treats women as badly as the porn industry does. 

    The show has posted links to stream the very hard to find movies like Rad or A Night In Heaven. Hopefully they will do that as it gets closer to the show date.

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  5. 2 hours ago, Cam Bert said:

    It's time for... How Did This Get Named?

    So as some of you might be aware and I mentioned last time they did one of these movies the franchise in Japan is not called Fast & Furious. Rather it is called "Wild Speed" which, if I have to take a side, is a better name. So as the series went on  they just attached the 2 and Tokyo Drifter to the movies. Easy peasy. However the Fast movies are always clever with their titles and that kind of clever doesn't translate when the name has already been changed. So Fast & Furious the forth became Wild Speed Max. This was followed by Mega Max, Euro Mission, Sky Mission, and the latest being Wild Speed Ice Break. Now Hobbs and Shaw is coming out so what to do about the name? Well throw the Wild Speed in there so they know it's part of the franchise but people might not know who Hobbs and Shaw are. You are taking two unlikely people and putting them together. It's like surf and turf so some other unlikely... I got it! We shall call the movie...


    Wild Speed Super Combo!

    So actually I went to a special midnight screening of the movie. In Japan for big movies usually on opening night you get little bits and bobs. For example I got a poster for Rogue One, a Hulk weeble for Endgame, and a Deadpool key chain for Deadpool. My present for attending the midnight screening of the show was this shiny massive sticker. It's exclusive to the Kansai area as well so suck it Tokyo! Here's the thing, I don't really have anywhere to put it but it is a collectors item. However, if Tall John or Jason would like to give this sticker a loving home I'd be more than willing to send it their way.

    I love this series of information you do. I kind of wish the Japanese name for the 4th one was confusing like it is in English where they just removed "the" from the title. If three Japanese title were The Wild Speed (if Japanese even works this way) just for the fourth, I'd be excited.

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  6. On 8/14/2019 at 4:04 PM, CaptainAmazing said:

    I think they definitely mean critic scores. That's what I say it should be as well. Audience scores are garbage, and are especially susceptible to toxic fandoms and even the occasional round of vote-brigading.

    Audience scores are trash but the reason I question it is because critic scores don't really represent "popular" opinion. Lots of popular movies get bad critic scores and loads of people don't pay any attention to critics. I know people are more and more reliant on Rotten Tomatoes scores but I wouldn't consider it a measure of "popular" opinion on movies. 

    On 8/14/2019 at 7:04 AM, Cameron H. said:

    I love Monster Trucks 😃

    You're the only reason I watched it back when you said it was your favorite movie of the year. I wouldn't say I loved it but it's fine family entertainment. 

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  7. 7 hours ago, ol' eddy wrecks said:

    When we get through this whole list, it might be good to review just how many are comedies. I know I tried it once when we were doing the Marx Brothers movies, but I remember putting enough disclaimers on filtering out movies that are probably on the list for non-comedic aspects, so it turned into a short list. But it's been feeling like there's actually a lot of comedies on the list (which is contrary to how it felt when we first looked at the list).

    Two Marx Brothers, Singin In The Rain, City Lights, The Graduate, The General, Some Like It Hot, Annie Hall, Philadelphia Story, It Happened One Night, MASH, The Gold Rush, Sullivan's Travels, Tootsie, Modern Times, Bringing Up Baby, Swing Time, Toy Story.

    How comedic you find some of these is up for debate but I'd say these are mostly comedic (or trying to be). Maybe the romantic comedies are light on comedy by that's 18 movies. Plus there are a couple comedy dramas like Forrest Gump and One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest and Network is a dark satire that I could see some people considering as kind of comedic. Wikipedia calls Nashville a comedy drama which is true I suppose.

    I think the idea that comedy isn't represented, which Amy and Paul have stated, is kind of unfounded. If you want to say modern comedies or a specific genre doesn't get representation, that's fair. I could certainly swap out a lot of them for similar comedies that are, in my mind, better. I'd say approximately 20% being comedy is fair representation.

  8. 9 hours ago, CaptainAmazing said:



    Are we talking critic or audience scores? I could say I liked The Last Jedi because the "popular" opinion is that it sucks but critics like it. I could say I liked A Dog's Purpose because critics hated it while audiences liked it.

    The only one I can think of that isn't popular with either is forum favorite Monster Trucks (it has a 51% audience score though).

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  9. 9 hours ago, RyanSz said:

    Well I can say that I am officially bummed with how The Kitchen turned out. I thought Melissa McCarthy and Elisabeth Moss gave incredibly performances, but Tiffany Haddish was pretty miscast, then you had great character actors in Common and Esteemed Character Actress Margo Martindale who are basically reduced to worthless blips in the movie. Yet the worst part of the movie was its ending as it doesn't follow the big rule of crime films in that

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    that the main character/boss ends up either dying or completely devoid or any family/workers whom have all abandoned them. This instead decides to have the remaining women instantly get over their differences with no real impetus and work together on expanding their empire, making it incredibly rushed and hokey, and clearly designed to have a sequel if this were a success. If it had followed the comic it was based on it would have been a perfect ending as Haddish's character would have attained the power she wanted, but at the cost of killing her best friend and betraying everyone who ever cared for her, only for her to end up murdered by Moss' character in revenge for the murders she committed. It was a proper and poetic ending for what was a great crime story, instead they gave a rush job ending.

    . I really did want to enjoy the movie overall but it was so choppy and rushed at times that it just fell incredibly flat.

    I agree with all this except Tiffany Haddish being miscast. I thought she was fine. I didn't know this was based on a comic until the Vertigo logo showed up but it became pretty obvious throughout the movie. I don't know if they were just condensing a really long comic series into two hours or if the comic is just bad.

    Everything felt rushed because they'd skip over any sort of obstacle in running a crime syndicate. It's like the writer said, "You've seen a mob movie before. So, you know what needs to be done," and they just hit the necessary plot points with no real deviation. That would be okay if this was a character piece but the characters never felt developed.

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  10. 14 hours ago, theworstbuddhist said:

     I was a teen when The Goonies came out and I fucking hate that movie. Never understood what ppl liked about it. *shrug*

    I think this is kind of confirming what I'm saying. There are certain movies that just work for kids of a very specific age that don't work outside of that age range. Goonies seems like one where, if you were born 1974 to 1981, you get it completely. If you're not in that window, it might as well never have been made. Space Jam feels like Goonies to me for a younger group. Doesn't mean people outside the target audience can't love them, but seems like a much stronger cultural experience for those in it.

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  11. 6 minutes ago, AlmostAGhost said:

    I was born in '76 and I like it a lot, but I'm also a giant NBA fan and have been since I was little and think it's fun for that. I haven't seen it in a little bit though. It's definitely just a product placement commercial at its core, though - but certainly there are worse offenders at that too.

    I definitely get this. If there's a specific bit that speaks to you like basketball, it is probably a really fun watch. I can watch The Wizard because I love Nintendo but it really sucks as a movie.

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  12. 40 minutes ago, Cameron H. said:

    I’ll say this for Space Jam: I saw it for the first time a few months ago, and it was absolutely fine for what it was. 

    Yeah. I haven't seen the whole thing but I saw enough to go "sure, I guess so." But I'm sure I would loved it if I were younger. So, whatever. 

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  13. 2 hours ago, AlmostAGhost said:

    Yea, doing Space Jam in Chicago seems kind of crazy. Maybe it's along the lines of "does this movie we loved as a kid still hold up?" angle?

    The two Seattle movies seem insane, judging by the posters only. I look forward to those!

    I really hate to be "lol millennials" but does anyone actually like Space Jam who wasn't born between (approximately) 1982-1992? It is its generation's Goonies where everyone in a certain age saw it and loved it but it's appeal seems lost on everyone outside of that general age range (unless maybe you really love Looney Tunes or something).

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  14. 10 hours ago, Elektra Boogaloo said:

    Did anyone go see it this weekend? Is it worth it? The live show is Aug 12, if I remember correctly so it could be the next film covered. (But I don’t know when the episode would air.) I am kind of on the fence.

    i tend to not love the Fast and Furious movies as much as the gang does but I do like the Rock and Statham best.

    I like the Fast and Furious movies as much as the hosts. If you're not on board with the series, this won't win you over. I liked this okay but it's definitely sillier than the main series. It plays to Rock and Statham's personalities but maybe too much in my opinion. 

  15. 7 hours ago, Cockney Mackem said:

    A question for our American friends - how well known is Rik Mayall in the US? He's obviously a national treasure here in the UK, but wasn't sure how much exposure he's had across the pond

    My perception is that I'd compare him to Yahoo Serious but even less impact. A foreign novelty comedian who had one failed movie I'm the early 90s and seemingly disappeared back to his home country.

    Before this movie was announced, I could not have named Rik Mayall and wouldn't recognized on sight even though I'd seen Drop Dead Fred multiple times as a kid. I'm mildly surprised to hear he was a legend in the UK and I'm (mildly) familiar with at least big name British comedians from 80s-90s.

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  16. I hate this movie. I'm not sure if I think the movie is bad, because I mostly don't, but I find it super frustrating. I would describe myself as fairly particular or uptight or however you would describe Cary Grant early in the movie. So, I spend the entire movie watching Katherine Hepburn annoy him into love super super annoying. I identify with every bit of frustration he feels in the movie and it drives me fucking crazy the one time I watched this. I have the exact same problem with What's Up Doc that they also mention. Any movie with a straight laced guy being annoyed against their wishes into romance drives me insane and I can't take it. I just want the main character to tell this crazy stalker to leave them alone or get the police involved.

    On the other hand, I saw Who's That Girl, which is practically a remake of Bringing Up Baby, when I was really little. Probably before my being an frustrated curmudgeon personality who dislikes really loud, boorish people cemented itself, and loved it as a kid. I watched Who's That Girl maybe 10 years ago after watching Bringing Up Baby and would absolutely watch it again over this movie. Maybe that's just Goonies Conundrum type nostalgia. It's definitely the most low rent, insane movie preference I have.

    I get why people like this. Even my reasoning for hate hate hating this is that I identify with the characters too much which is, in a sense, a compliment to the movie. But, oh boy, I would never watch this again.

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