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Everything posted by TroyHeeschTheVoiceActor

  1. I came here for 3 things: unwanted sex, chicken wings, and being asked to take off my shoes. Welcome to United.
  2. TroyHeeschTheVoiceActor

    Who you talkin' to, Brutis??

    Who you talkin' to, Brutis??
  3. Sticks and stones may break my bones, so please put them down slowly
  4. If my wangs too big, you win yourself a fridge!
  5. I was conceived in a puddle of lighter fluid and new kids on the block posters
  6. If you break up with me, I swear you and I are over
  7. Look, mama cita, I may be a poor cowboy from a not so poor new york city, but you did me wrong and where I'm from those who get done wrong get paid
  8. Down, but not out. Up, but not circle. Tell me if you've heard this one
  9. I stopped listening to hip hop when it became cool to sell out to the man. Hi, mom.
  10. If Ghandhi was so peaceful, why was he so violent towards his digestive system?
  11. I was a cop back when America wasn't so great and let me tell you, I gotta lotta tail and all of which were prostitutes.
  12. TroyHeeschTheVoiceActor

    when I point, you pee (just like that)

    when I point, you pee (just like that)
  13. I'm what one might call a reverse Crying Game, if one were terribly insensitive
  14. If Tupac is dead, if Biggie is dead, if a penny is molded with Lincoln's head, how many licks does it take to get to the center of my butt?
  15. I don't know what they told you to wear, but I'm wearing a condom
  16. I had an old boy, but I drowned him in a river, I drowned, drowned, drowned him in a river of sin
  17. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, yahtzee
  18. Pick a topic and then cast it to the eternal damnation of hell in my lord Satan's name amen!
  19. I'm a prime example as to why sex and LSD are never the 'cool' thing to do
  20. Great sassy molasses, I forgot I'm pregnant with the Queen's baby!
  21. Tell me a joke and I'll fiddle your diddle and by diddle I mean kill you and by fiddle I mean rob you
  22. For this show, my name is no longer Scott, for this show ONLY, my name will forever be Patrick.
  23. If I didn't know any better, I'd hardly know at all
  24. You got onions in my hot fudge sunday and I got my ball sack on your onions
  25. What came first, crack or the government?