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Posts posted by CaptainAmazing

  1. Guess this means that they’re finally breaking with their long-running unwritten rule of not doing movies that MST3K has done, at least for the new version of the show.

    Good, I say. Maybe now we can finally get them to do Manos.

  2. FWIW, tickets for the Durham sale went on pre-sale on 6/5 and “don’t even need the obvious offer code” kind of general public sale about three days later, and they’re not yet fully sold out. So I guess they don’t sell out that quickly for the shows outside of LA and maybe NY.

    Durham got to about 4/5ths sold out before they opened up an entire additional balcony level and started selling tickets there a week or two ago. The show is now two weeks off.

  3. On 10/13/2018 at 7:00 PM, Ofcoursemyhorse said:


    I love that it’s under “Classics Trailers” solely because it would be bad marketing to categorize it under a more accurate title, like “Kind-of-old movies that weren’t that great.”

  4. Hey, how about some more discussion about the movie and episodes themselves, or maybe the broader franchise? On those topics:

    -Dunno why Paul and Amy seemed convinced that the toys can't die, because the third movie pretty unquestionably showed that they can.

    -Jessie was added starting with the second one to give the series a female character with some more depth than Bo Peep had in the first one.

    -Toy Story 2 was almost accidentally deleted.

    -Disney and Pixar had a falling out early in the planning of Toy Story 3. Disney started up their own CGI animation studio, Circle 7 Animation and started working on a story with an interesting plot where Buzz Lightyears everywhere start manufacturing and are recalled back to the factory in Taiwan. The other toys realize that Buzz is possibly going to be destroyed and go all the way there to rescue him. After Michael Eisner left, Disney was bought out by Pixar, and the Pixar people wanted a totally clean slate. That same Wikipedia link also has a different discarded plot that Circle 7 considered.

  5. Gotta agree with @Cam Bert that it’s not a problem with the movie itself, but with the AFI list, perhaps it’s criteria. The full criteria list is on the list’s Wikipedia entry, and two of them are:

    Historical significance: A film's mark on the history of the moving image through visionary narrative devices, technical innovation or other groundbreaking achievements.

    Cultural impact: A film's mark on American society in matters of style and substance.

    Both of these strongly imply “Trailblazers and influence on other films.” The list is lousy with films that are those things but aren’t great by themselves today, but are hugely influential on other films. The original list had Birth of a Nation on it, for dang’s sake. But it just feels like too many of the voters gave too much weight to these two criteria out of the seven.

    TV Tropes has an enormous page for what I was just talking about called “Seinfeld” is Unfunny.

    • Like 1

  6. I liked this movie as a kid, but we all know that those movies make up a LOT of the best HDTGM materials. What can I remember from that would be good fodder for this podcast?:

    -An important sub-plot involving the stock market that kids are supposed to be able to follow. I was 11, the older end of the kid demographic, and I barely even knew what the stock market was.

    -The kid’s name loosely translates to “cat piss.” The mom said she did it because he was about five at the time and he liked it. So she waited until he was five to name him, gave him the dumbest name imaginable, and also he wanted a name that would get him made fun of constantly.

    -Somehow Tim Allen (or maybe it was his assistant) not only gets a cell phone (maybe a sat phone?) to work on the remote island and connect it to a laptop, the natives get the laptop to access a porn-ish site within five minutes of first seeing it. Also, the laptop connected to a sat phone in 1997 can easily stream video. That was a better gag back when people didn’t know anything about how realistic that sort of thing was.

  7. I was in highly school when this movie came out. I remember one thing from the TV spots: It had Monkeybone dancing around to The Offspring’s “Come Out and Play” kinda cartoonishly.

    Well I liked The Offspring, cartoonishness, monkeys, and especially wacky monkeys, so it looked pretty awesome to me.

    But then I started noticing how many movie trailers/TV spots said almost nothing about the movie got into a personal small obsession with the topic. Were those movies so bad that they were trying to hide their plot? (Answer: Sometimes). Then the reviews started rolling in and I found out not to come near it.

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  8. 19 hours ago, bleary said:

    You're probably right that the wind as depicted in the movie would not blow the gold dust as depicted in the movie in that manner.  But if the wind were strong enough and the particles of gold dust were small enough, it is possible that it could scatter the gold far and wide so as to be a hardship to reattain.  So imagine that happened.

    It's like the door in Titanic.  Mythbusters did a show in which they showed it was likely that a door of the size depicted in the film could be rigged with the materials they had to support two people.  They told James Cameron and his response was basically, "So imagine the door in the film is the size so that it can't support two people."  The mechanics of the film need a thing to happen, and if the mechanics of physics allow that to happen under some circumstances, just imagine that those are the circumstances at play.  Some people can suspend their disbelief enough for this, and some people can't.

    That’s a pretty good answer. There was definitely something unusual about this gold in that it could somehow be mistaken for sand. Maybe it was a lot of really tiny bits of dust that they could only separate from the dirt so well in their makeshift sluce.

  9. A sort of petty problem that I noticed that the podcast barely touched on- gold is really, really dense. Like double what lead is, as I recall. Gold dust probably couldn’t even be blown away by a serious storm. In fact, sometimes wind is used as a way to separate gold from dirt, because it’s so difficult to blow away.

    if that’s correct, than the best that the storm could have done was blow regular dirt on top of the piles of gold, covering them. But it’s not like they haven’t uncovered gold from under dirt before.

    Or am I just too caught up on technical details?

  10. 3 hours ago, Cameron H. said:

    I’ve never been, but from what I understand, they tend to sell out real quick (to the point they don’t announce their local shows because they sell out almost immediately*). I would think a show in Richmond, where - to my knowledge - they’ve never played before, will go real quick.

    Good luck! Jealous :) 

    *Correction: they announce them but don’t send out the newsletter for them.


    4 hours ago, Arctic_Tern said:

    Good afternoon everybody!

    I was just wondering, for the live shows about how quickly do tickets sell out? I'm trying to get a group together to go see the Richmond show and I'm trying to figure out how much time I have to get all the threads together. The tickets go on sale this Friday. Thank you for your help!



    Oh, they’re coming to Richmond? Are they finally doing something here in the South?

    *Clicks link*


    *Sets an alert to buy tickets as soon as they are available*

    • Like 2

  11. Suddenly remembered this "gem" from this must-read write-up of it on I-Mockery. Took me a minute to find it because it's actually spelled "Ax."

    Other highlights not mentioned in this forum yet:

    -Intro slates have Awkward incorrect Capitalization usually not seen Outside of Twitter.
    -The title screen is a generic lower-third graphic with the title in "quotation marks."
    -Gun sound effect waaayyy out of sync with the shotgun going off.
    -A short scene is actually played twice. No, not in any way on purpose.
    -The timecode is actually on the screen for one shot.

    There might be some availability issues for this one. Amazon has exactly three copies, and the sites that claimed to be streaming it looked like trojans. One even set off my broswer's alerts.

    This one does raise the question of "is there a movie too low-budget for this podcast?" This one feels like the dumbest kid at your high school made it and just didn't care at some points.

  12. I remember LOVING this movie as a kid, but there are a LOT of terrible movies that this show does that fit that description for a lot of people. For me, some of the best movies on the shows are ones that I've seen without specially watching them for the podcast.

    I also remember, having seen it several times elsewhere, renting/watching it with my parents, who said that we could buy a copy if they liked it. They did not. I was shocked.

    Trying to remember bad stuff about the movie itself...

    The fact that Snyder and Mori were friends once many years prior is treated as some dark secret from Mori's past. Mori may have called it the worst mistake he ever made, but the line might seriously be "the only mistake I ever made."

    I think this is the movie where, to show that they were staying up late playing video games, they're seen playing Super Mario Brothers with a lot of excitement and enthusiasm. But they're getting awfully excited about the very beginning of Level 1-1 on a game that requires you to start over pretty often. As I recall, the eyes of a ninja mask on their wall then flashed a warning and they knew their mom was coming and jumped into bed, pretending to be asleep. I wanna know where the kids got the high-tech motion detecting equipment for that and drilled holes into the wall to install it without their parents noticing. Their dad works for the FBI and didn't notice?

    Also, this is definitely the movie where the really violent parody of the song "On Top of Old Smoky" originated, which was a running favorite at my school for years.

  13. On 1/6/2016 at 11:00 AM, Ofcoursemyhorse said:



    Duchovny also directed a fairly awful movie called House of D. He was fantastic in his brief cameo in Zoolander though.


    I love Sean William Scott, he was beyond great in Goon. The fact that he's sandbagged his own career by calling out his own terrible movies in interviews just endears him to me even more.


    This movie is fucking awful though, the writing, the charisma-less romance Duchovny and Julianne Moore (in what was clearly designed as a stand in role for Scully.)


    And even when I was kid I remember watching the ending to this movie and thinking "gross"

    And now you have “The Secret” to add to that list.

  14. On 3/4/2019 at 10:28 PM, gigi-tastic said:

    to call Caroline biracial is....frankly ridiculous  to me.  If we go by the reasoning that is given she's a descendent of a branch of the Portuguese royal family related to a 15th century Portuguese noble woman Margrita Dr Castro e Souza whose 9 generations removed. And SHE'S then supposed to be able to have HER  ancestry traced back to the 13th century ruler Alfonso III and his lover Madragana who is BELIEVED to be a Moor. Never mind that the term Blackmoor often could just mean someone Muslim and not actually African.

    We're tracing her supposed, possible ancestor back 5 centuries! You cannot call someone biracial for POSSIBLY having a person of color in their lineage.  It's outrageous  and frankly insulting. It goes beyond even the my great great grandmother was a 1/39 Native American so I'm practically a shaman bullshit some people pull.


    Came here to say that I looked it up, and Charlotte’s African ancestry is basically a rumor, as you can read here.

    While on Wikipedia, I looked up the other thing that I was dying to know, and the answer is yes, she is the Charlotte that the city in North Carolina is named for.

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