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About EarwolfBlitzer

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  1. If Old Dirty Bastard and Da Baby had a rap battle, do you think my dad would come back?
  2. Why do I have to use royalty free music in my content? All I want to do is open boxes to the Queen's fire mix tape.
  3. E - A - R - W -O- L - Fuck I forgot what I was spelling.
  4. All is fair in love and warming my balls
  5. Voila! This foie gras, with mirepoix which cost a lot of moolah is filled with pooh-la
  6. EarwolfBlitzer

    One way or another...

    One way, or another, he's gonna find ya hes gonna getcha getcha getcha Gonorrhea.
  7. See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil, said Mrs. Knievel nee Kennedy during the divorce proceedings.
  8. Extra! Extra! Stop the presses! Seriously print is a dying medium and I'm filing for bankruptcy. You are all being let go. See Janice in HR on your way out of the building.
  9. My doctor says I have ADHD. Whatever that... Woah! Did you guys know whitney houston died?
  10. Whatever happened to that nice man from the apprentice?
  11. Hold up doc! Are those needles sterile, cus I sure am! Seriously lets talk options my wife wants children and she's threatening to leave me.
  12. Tonight. Dysfunction strikes the nation, countless pleasure-less beds unfulfilled. I'm Earwolf Blitzer and this is the ejaculation room.
  13. Do you know what to do? when he's calling for you, or if there's nothing else you can do. Listen to your faaaaaart. Before it tells youuuuuu goodbye.
  14. Fortnite. Call of Duty. Hey doc', I'd really appreciate some focus while you're inside my booty.
  15. I've got a wicked case of MesofeelMeOma and if you play your cards right, you may just be entitled to erectile compensation.