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Euripides’ Shorts

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Everything posted by Euripides’ Shorts

  1. You are what you eat…minus what you poop out.
  2. Euripides’ Shorts

    You said it not me!

    You said it not me!
  3. Eighty degrees When I ask, “Madam, please, Do you shell N-U-Ts? ’Cause I bought forty bags Of these. Need ‘em cracked for a party… Oh, it’s free?”
  4. Does anyone know the best way to get a mousetrap off your genitals? Asking for a friend.
  5. Euripides’ Shorts

    Shower loofah, cleanse thyself.

    Shower loofah, cleanse thyself.
  6. I wouldn’t mind it if THAT itsy-bitsy spider climbed up MY water spout if you know what I mean.
  7. Did I stutter?! …I did? Well I guess that’s why I go to speech therapy.
  8. You can pick your friends and you can pick your Pekingese, but you can’t Pekingese nuts.
  9. When you told me you checked his oil, I thought you meant something else.
  10. Sorry for the mess. When you told me to come on, I thought you meant something else.
  11. Show me the place where two butts meet and I’ll show you my boner.
  12. I couldn’t find my own ass with a flashlight; that’s what my proctologist is for.
  13. Where’s your ass at, you asshat?
  14. You can rock my jock; just don’t block my cock.
  15. Euripides’ Shorts

    Party heartily.

    Party heartily.
  16. It’s like there’s a party in my mouth and everyone RSVPd “maybe.”
  17. My gynecologist is a real private investigator.
  18. I can’t imagine what part of “Sailors Wanted for Tug Jobs” is misleading.
  19. Rub-a-dub-dub, three men in a tub?! Yes, please! As long as they have steady jobs.
  20. When you said she really rubbed off on you, I thought you meant something else.
  21. Only one pound to ride the trolley; only two pounds to bust my ball-ees.
  22. When you said you were “in for a pound,” I thought you meant something else.
  23. In for a penny, in for a pound. Put me in, Coach, while my pants are down.