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Euripides’ Shorts

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Everything posted by Euripides’ Shorts

  1. Everybody’s twerkin’ for the Wheat Thins.
  2. My name is Scorch Borschtleman and I make a mean mug of burnt beet.
  3. If you can’t take the heat, try not to get gonorrhea.
  4. “Poop” rhymes with “soup,” but believe me, they are not the same thing.
  5. Waiter, this yeast piss is delicious!
  6. If a dog farts in a building and no one is around to smell it, does it clear the room?
  7. My favorite Gary Oldman vehicle is Tinker Tailor I Hardly Know Her.
  8. Did someone fart in here or are we finally having that leftover turkey?
  9. Euripides’ Shorts

    Did someone fart in here or are we finally having that leftover turkey?

    Thank you sir or madam.
  10. Dog food for my dog, cat food for me.
  11. One spank is an embarrassment; a thousand spanks is a rite of passage.
  12. If you plantain to learntain, you must learntain to plannana.
  13. If my face surely shows it, why do I have to clap my hands?
  14. If you’re happy with your long-distance service clap your hands.
  15. You’re telling me the Flintstones can put a man on the moon but they don’t know how to make a car out of a dinosaur?!
  16. Give me a lever long enough and a place to stand and I’ll hit you in the crotch with it. Hard.
  17. ‘Tis better to have docked and chafed than never to have docked at all.
  18. Euripides’ Shorts

    My favorite game is the blame game.

    My favorite game is the blame game.
  19. If my dick won an Oscar it’d be for best short.
  20. Is it just me or are “big butts” never as big as you want them to be?
  21. Scotty from Savannah Tybee taffy Hunter Anna city squares and moss-a-rama cast thy pod you mama jama.
  22. Euripides’ Shorts

    iRobot, make fun of thy self

    Roquefort, smell thyself.
  23. She up and did what I thought she did: she walked to Wabash and fought a squid.
  24. Don’t knock it till you try it; just get in that ass.
  25. The gummies in my tummy did a rumbly when I saw that mummy.