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Euripides’ Shorts

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Everything posted by Euripides’ Shorts

  1. Doesn’t matter if it’s clean, vacuum up that jellybean with your mouth. Five-second rule.
  2. The average adult does a 1.125 at each restroom break.
  3. Euripides’ Shorts

    Let’s get topical!

    Let’s get topical!
  4. When you’re headin’ into first and you feel somethin’ burst—Achilles rupture.
  5. You say “French cuff;” I say “buttonless freedom hole.”
  6. You say “French door;” I say “freedom peeper.”
  7. You say “potato;” I say “freedom tuber.”
  8. Boston’s best basters bossed a bass master dastardly
  9. Euripides’ Shorts

    Border wall?! I hardly know her!

    Border wall?! I hardly know her!
  10. Skeetin’ ain’t cheatin’.
  11. I’ll scratch your back if you scratch Meineke off this muffler I stole.
  12. Hit me, baby, one more time…aaand bust.
  13. Slap that damn mosquito while I roll you this burrito.
  14. Give Joss the toss or tell Peter he can eat her.
  15. Roses are readily available in a variety of colors.
  16. Five bucks gets you in; punching a bouncer in the face gets you out.
  17. People who sing the “bum bum bum” to “Sweet Caroline” will be thrown in jail.
  18. The more you think about it, the truer it gets: mouth is the butthole of the mind.
  19. The farcical marshmallow parsed the sparse, harsh fellow’s icicle bicycle.
  20. The Podfather here to make you an offer you CAN refuse but shouldn’t—rip-roarin’ comedy!
  21. Comedy comin’ at you faster than shit through a goose!
  22. Euripides’ Shorts

    Doghot! Up what’s?

    Doghot! Up what’s?
  23. Ain’t no party like a perpetual motion party, ‘cause a perpetual motion party…well, you know.
  24. Hell hath no fury like a loud-ass horn.
  25. If this “hokey pokey” is so important to you, Cecil, put your OWN damn hands in!