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About JustSomeGuy

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  1. That’s not a Remington Arms Bushmaster adaptive combat rifle with a fleshlight stock attachment! That’s my wife!
  2. Pre-existing conditions can still get you pregnant.
  3. “What’s up, coldcat?”
  4. Oh, so it’s ok that the word “ass” is in the Bible, but it’s not ok that I put a Bible in my ass? This is the last time I’ll ever stay in a Holiday Inn Express!
  5. “Put another shrimp in the Barbie!” Ken exclaimed as he filmed the spectacle from the corner of his bedroom.
  6. Kiss my lips, shake those hips, chicken wears clothes, chicken strips
  7. Tickle my belly and call me daddy, then roll up a blunt and call us both fatties.
  8. I beat the eggs, I beat my meat, then throw it all beneath my sheets.
  9. One in the pink, nineteen in the stink, and after be sure to wash all hands and feet in the sink.
  10. I put the “foreign” in “four inch dick,” but you don’t see me bragging about it, do you, Mom?
  11. Real eyes realize thicc thighs
  12. If you can’t beat ‘em, eat ‘em.
  13. Snort, snort, snort señora. Snort that big fat line. Snort, snort, snort señora. Snort them all the time.
  14. A kiss on the hand may be quite continental, but dat ass is a boy’s best friend.
  15. I said, “Harder, Daddy,” and Daddy replied, “Harder? I hardly knew ‘er!”