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F-Word Scissorhands

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Everything posted by F-Word Scissorhands

  1. At your age you are still figuring out who you are. At my age I know how much I suck.
  2. I am trying to get on the next helicopter but right now it seems very up in the air.
  3. Today we’ll do a deep dive into sewage lagoons, and drill down on trepanation.
  4. I have 2 forearms and 1 foreheads and zero foreskins but I ain’t got 4 of nothin’!
  5. I’ll leave you two to ketchup because I must turd.
  6. Darth Vader and his jailbird brother Taxi Vader
  7. I wish that People of Color could join together with nonwhite people and racial minorities. Those three communities have so much in common but they seem so divided.
  8. Blackbeans 2: The Creature From The Black Legume
  9. A fun new movie in which George Michael is an animated cat, titled Careless Whiskers.
  10. Pundits have a habit of repeating parts of their sentences unnecessarily, like a repetition, like a repeating, like a "saying it again."
  11. From your polyps to god’s ears
  12. Why is it only HERpes? Why isn’t there a HISpes?
  13. I gift you with this present and present you with this gift
  14. I love things that walk on two legs. I’m a bipedalphile.
  15. Is it a number one or a number two when you poop through your penis hole?
  16. A pinch to grow an inch and 2.54 anteaters to grow 2.54 centimeters
  17. “Doonesbury Imposes Upon Me”, by Garry Intrude-o
  18. I got a tattoo lasered off of my butt. It read Exit Only. Now I’m getting a new one that reads Two Way Traffic.
  19. F-Word Scissorhands

    Dog fertility clinic: no litter

    Dog fertility clinic: no litter
  20. Step on a crack, break like wind off a duck’s back
  21. I got my execution halted so many times I got cocky. I was like “Ah yeah, I got stays for days!”
  22. L: “Ben Kenobi, Leia won’t sleep with me!” BOWK: “Use the force, Luke.”
  23. Sweat pants have been added to the no-fly list
  24. Today’s guests are Adam Driver and his brother Backseat Driver and his son Toilet Seat Driver
  25. Grass Cops: featuring the men and women of lawnforcement.