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Nickname's Expert

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Everything posted by Nickname's Expert

  1. Yes, Being blindfolded while hitting a piñata is customary. but, that ball gag Sir, is totally unnecessary
  2. The ninth Rule of Fight Club is, we don't talk about Lambada Fridays.
  3. Life Hack: if you go to the supply store, you can trade 1 gram of paper for 5 pounds of it
  4. Each action has an equal and opposite Jackson
  5. It's always compelling to Rhyme Pajamas with Bahamas, just like orange with Triceratops
  6. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man put his social life aside
  7. Putting together a sandwich themed puzzle is harder, if you get rid of the edges
  8. Don't get sad if a cookie hits you in the nuts. that's just they way the cookie cramp balls
  9. I've never seen or cared about Sex and the City. I guess i'm such a samantha.
  10. They say, the Caw Caw Caw took my raven away.
  11. A Mustache is a face rug, where you can wipe your fingers before them entering your nose
  12. Where we're going We don't need clothes. i mean roads!...what?...no, you shut up!!!
  13. Follow your dreams, or hire a P.I. to do so and then confront your dreams and your best friend in a motel parking lot.
  14. I finally overcame my dyslexia. AYY!!!!
  15. i was born near to a toxic waste drop site. so i don't put my money where my mouth is.
  16. I take my froyo, nuts smashed just like my dojo
  17. Every time a sport bar waitress goes to heaven an Angel Gets His Wings
  18. Every Tool's a Hammer, if you put parachute pants on it
  19. Solving fast a Rubik's cube gives you extra time to rub your pubes.
  20. Somewhere! Over the Paywall...content is free! goddamn, why do i have to be broke and Scott so cheap!
  21. Copy and paste it until you make it
  22. I spy with my little eye... Although i think i'm gonna start using my good one since i've been getting tons of complains from my clients
  23. You say cowabunga i say chumbawamba. let's just portmanteau this into Cochabamba
  24. Gas, Grass or Ass?. It shouldn't be so hard picking a flavor at the Juice bar
  25. Say no to drugs and when to parmesan Cheese