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About justin

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  • Birthday 01/25/1993

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  1. justin

    Episode 516 - Solo Bolo Cincolo

    “Hamburgers that talk” I couldn’t find any video or audio of that. But this line is referenced on the earwolf forums by a user in 2013. In a thread for ep 66 of Fogelnest Files. http://forum.earwolf.com/topic/14495-episode-66-%e2%80%94-the-legend-of-mac-tonight/
  2. "But that would get you fired!!1!1!1" -Kevin Smith
  3. Kevin Smith just sounds like a lazy piece of shit. When I worked in retail we were always obligated to adhere to the posted price. Even if we were the ones that made a mistake and forgot to update a price we had to adhere to the posted price. I've also never encountered a cash register that didn't allow for price overrides. It is literally illegal to advertise false prices. To argue with the customer instead of acknowledging the mistake and fixing it is ridiculous. Kevin Smith you are a straight up mope.
  4. Lady runs into her crazy neighbor at a corner store https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFY4m_-3Om8
  5. justin

    Episode 434 - Doubt About That

    Our theme got played!
  6. justin

    Plang Plang Bugs

    Flip Flap Flubs
  7. justin

    Plang Plang Bugs

    Big Big Mugs
  8. justin

    Plang Plang Bugs

    Bump bump plugs
  9. justin

    Website Makeover!

    The only things I'd like to be updated are the homepage design and the way show pictures are viewed.
  10. justin

    Hear My Plugs

    That's a great song
  11. https://soundcloud.c...audio-chemistry
  12. A young lad once said "this paintbrush paints red" and the colorblindness was confirmed
  13. It's Monday morning so put on your pants and dance.
  14. When it comes to host control protocols I prefer mine to be dynamic