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Posts posted by CrustyDustReceptacle

  1. Just listened to this episode for the first time in a while today, and found it great for reasons I had totally forgotten about. Aside from being the show's introduction to pretty much all of Tig's greatest bits (her impressions and the Good One Robot in particular), it's also proof that she is perhaps the worst What am I Thinking? player in the history of the game; maybe even worse than Jon Heder, who by all accounts didn't understand how to play the game during most of his participation. Even after she sort of figured it out, her clear intention to annoy Scott by playing incorrectly is just fantastic. That segment alone makes this episode worth relistening to, even without all of the great Julie Penzmere and "Rory Scovel" stuff.

  2. I definitely found the titular peek behind the scenes given in this episode very interesting. Actually being able to feel the improv gears turning in everyone's heads as they scrambled to build something cohesive out of Ed's character was actually kind of fascinating.


    Part of me wonders, though, why it was even necessary for him to do a character in the first place. I know that the real person/weirdo dynamic is this show's primary format (especially since becoming CBB), but considering Seth and Ed's work history together I think it could have still been a great episode just to hear Scott interacting with both of these guys as real people. Even if it was just a "Broin' Out" style chat, I'm sure everyone involved here could deliver the funny. There are some episodes from the CDR era that did this really well, like the one with Chris Hardwick and Matthew Braunger or the one with Chelsea Peretti and Nick Thune; I would love to see that kind of thing pop up occasionally at some point in the future.


    Just to be clear, I don't mean this as a criticism of the show, because as far as I'm concerned CBB has been consistently hitting it out of the park over the past few weeks. Hearing about how the bread is made just got me thinking about this kind of stuff, I guess. :P

    • Like 6

  3. There's always something so funny about a non-comedian being put through the full CBB experience (Colin Hanks on the 2010 Christmas ep especially comes to mind), but having Fred read those playlettes was on a whole other wonderfully uncomfortable level.


    I was listening to this episode while walking in a crowd across my college campus, and when Pam described Fred's "clothes" in that first scene I actually had to tear out my earbuds to avoid breaking down in the middle of the sidewalk and looking like a complete maniac. All of these great shows in the past few weeks have pretty much made public listening of this show impossible, and I couldn't be happier about it. Keep it up, Choctaw!

    • Like 2

  4. I want to shout from the top of a goddamn mountain how great this episode is. I love that there was an actual story tying the whole episode together (maybe the first time since Dogpocalypse?), and that it's thrown away at the end for something even funnier is all the more glorious.


    I only wish I had followed through on live-tweeting the whole episode. Without question one of the all-time greats of this show.

    • Like 7

  5. I hate this word's overuse in internet conversation, but its the only fitting word for that Todd Glass impression: EPIC.


    Also, let's start the countdown now to the Podmass people being completely humorless about that song and letting it be their sole reason for putting this episode in 'The Rest.' You know the song I mean.


    EDIT: In this case, I'm happy to be proven wrong. Good on ya, AV Club. http://www.avclub.com/articles/week-of-feb-23feb-29,70196/

    • Like 3

  6. Thanks to insomnia, I can vouch for this being a FANTASTIC episode. The sheer rate of bpm (bits per minute) made it feel like a spiritual successor to Farts and Procreation, which is of course a very high compliment indeed. And to think it all started under a bridge...


    (Also, I think "Austin Powers" might be neck and neck with "Red Balloon" for most-played song on this show. Can anyone confirm this?)

    • Like 2

  7. First of all, I'm sorry to hear about your father Matt. Second of all, I wanted to share that I listened to this episode in a crowded New Orleans hotel room at 2 AM and was laughing so hard at various points during it that I actually shook awake the person that was next to me in this bed. I guess that makes me a shitty friend, but a grateful podcast listener. You're doing great work; it's good to have you back.

  8. Fantastic episode! I remember seeing Myq's Comedy Central Presents special in a hotel in Nashville a couple years ago, and instantly becoming a fan. Always happy to see him show up at Earwolf.

    Also, I'm not sure that as a guy I would ever actually buy socks over the Internet, but I NEED Knee-High Vilaysocks to become a reality.

  9. I have the same problem. My theory was that, for a show like CBB or WC? that has changed its logo, iTunes may get confused and think that the show no longer has a standard logo and just doesn't download anything. It is almost annoying enough to make me consider pasting over all of the old artwork so everything would be uniform, but I love the old CDR logo too much to get rid of it.
