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Posts posted by DubipR

  1. Thank you bringing in Ben Lee. Not only is Ben a great writer but a great storyteller.

    That 120 Minutes clip kills me. I used to known Frank Black when I lived in the SF Valley and was the sweeetest person ever. I remember telling him I saw that night and he said something to the effect he didn't give a shit about being there but he had some fun.


    And thanks for bringing back some serious memories with the old WWOR Howard Stern shows. I used to stay up until 2am when they came on the West Coast.

  2. Season Greetings fellow Citizens of Earth!


    You know we did bad Halloween recommendations, perhaps we can get Paul, June and Jason to do some truly terrible Christmas holiday films! You know...let's fire away


    I'm nominating Dr Seuss' Who the Grinch Stole Christmas, with Jim Carrey.


    Let's get this started!


    - Ryan

  3. Barry MOTHERF**KING Sobel!


    Jake, seriously that was killer episode (as are all of them!). It's always good when Jansen Karp shows up on any podcast. I was hoping he'd show up on the Files. I know a few people that worked on those Fruity Pebbles commericals during that era. I should ask them if they have some of the storyboards for the commercial. I never knew that's where the "My name is..." rap meme came from. Wow, I got my FogelFact for the day!


    You now have to get Howard Kremer on this and do another rap/hip hop show.... *swoons*


    Have you seen this one? Barney doing a Vanilla Ice/Hammer mash...




    - Ryan

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  4. Okay, I had to recap some of my favorite things about this episode, which may be the greatest Twooch ever.


    1. 'Donkey Style'- When Howard said that and brayed out the beats I spat out coffee on my desktop I was laughing so hard.

    2. Smoothie Song- Howard, if you're reading this or pass this onto him, I demand that to be a ringtone!

    3. Blender Vision- Howard's pic with the blenders are priceless. He looks so demonic in them its deliciously funny.

    4. New Segement Idea-Howard's Juice of the Week. I think Wie Wie should give the listeners a new drink. Also there was somthing he said that contradicted what he said earlier (which is pretty much a lot). He says when adding in the almond milk 'Don't use dairy as it'll run the innard." Uh...you scooped in 2 HUGE DOLLOPS of Greek Yogurt! *ding* Paging Mr. Pot, there's call for you from Mr. Kettle on the White Courtesy Phone... If you're going all non-dairy, do it.


    Seriously...best Twooch in the history of the show (and probably won't be topped!)

  5. Jake,

    Glad you enjoyed the Alfonso Riberio clip I submitted. I was skyping with my friend from New Zealand and we just got on the talk of shitty 80s commericals and he brought up the Michael Jackson Pepsi commerical with Alfonso and I just saw that clip. What makes it great is the not only the cool swag you get for $20, its the white guys remixing Tom Tom Club in the background on the records you get with the kit.


    As always, the show's fucking phenom!

  6. Summer's coming to an end and How Did This Get Made crushed it with a truly amazing run of shitty summer schlockbusters. Septermber's coming and I thought of an idea of spotlighting a possible runner up behind Nic Cage as a maker of terrible films:


    Mr. Adam Sandler


    It seems like one film after another, as of late, Sandler's made utter drek.


    That's My Boy

    Jack & Jill

    Grown Ups

    Bedtime Stories

    I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry


    The Longest Yard


    You catch my drift. How about dedicating a month of terrible films to Adam Sandler.

  7. A teenager living in a trailer park beats a arcade game (which seems to be the biggest thing thats ever happened in this trailer park). Apparently if you can beat this game your qualified to be a real starfighter and defend the galaxy from an evil alien invasion. Loved this when i was younger and watched it recently thinking it would be a nice nastolgic movie but i was wrong, it was just bad.


    Disagree. The Last Starfighter is one of the better 80s science fiction films that actually holds up. Great CGI animation (one of the first films to have it), a killer score by Craig Safan, and Robert Preston. What's not to love.

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