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Posts posted by Henry

  1. The one flaw in an otherwise perfect, all-time-classic episode, is that nobody remembered that Tony was Andi Callahan's surgical assistant! Daly tried to drop a hint but it didn't stick.

    I had previously thought that the two guys having the same name had just been a coincidence, but after hearing Tony in the studio I think you may be right. Especially with his affinity for uppers and the lack of a moral compass. Tony must have won that knife fight in the woods, and that's why Andi Callahan didn't make an appearance at the mass suicide in episode 148! It all makes sense now! Plus, I just now remembered that Andi Callahan first met Tony at a movie theater :lol:

  2. I'm sure it's not something new to everybody, but I was just reminded of this song today and thought it might fit in here. Arthur Brown's live performance of his hit song "Fire!" on the television show "Supersonic" which at the time aired on Thursday afternoons.



    According to Wikipedia: "Supersonic was a British children's television music show which featured pop music artists of the day."

    • Like 1

  3. The only Stitches strip I didn't like was the one where it starts with him holding a cell phone hitting the "Now" button on the popcorn.com app, then he gets handed a gallon of popcorn, then he looks at the camera and says "Check please!" It seemed like a shameless use of product placement on Tim's part, and I really didn't think the punchline made any sense.

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  4. Definitely check out Reverend Bruce Howard's clips on youtube. Public access has always been a magnet for insanity, but this guy is a very unique specimen.


    Probably his most interesting video:



    What makes this even stranger is that his show had previously been more like this:


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  5. I have to agree that this is possibly the best episode so far. I only had one problem with it and it's that some jerk gave away the surprise ending to me in the form of a limerick. :angry: It went something like:


    "This episode was the best,

    put my funny bone to the test,

    Satanic megatrons and masks,

    what more do you have to ask,

    Turns out Jason and Scott were the other two heads."
