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Everything posted by Mosdefjukie

  1. Mosdefjukie

    EPISODE 231 — Slow Dance Party

    I'm rarely compelled to post, but I felt it necessary this time. I'm a semi-regular listener, but I do enjoy listening to Armen completely. I find his personality very endearing and don't actually understand the hate. Sometimes we listeners feel it is our duty to express our "inconsequential" feelings about the people involved making this absolutely 100% free "just for the love of the game" podcast. Fact is, when you post these less than constructive criticisms, there are consequences. Namely, other listeners like myself are less apt to come back and spend time with you all (i.e. Team Shariq). Even worse if some genuinely nice host, guest, or guest host comes to see how we enjoyed their effort. You definitely have the right to act like an ass and we definitely have the right to not want to be associated with you. Amen you are the man. Kulap and June are gorgeous both inside and out. And I was also playing video games while listening. (I love them, but I definitely wouldn't play them around potential buyers...I actually agree with her sentiment unfortunately)
  2. Mosdefjukie

    Episode 202 — Pickup Artist

    Love the community feedback on this one. This was one of the more entertaining episodes on a completely different level. The guest was so persistent on making sure he wasn't perceived incorrectly. I think I understand him perfectly now....humorless, anti-social, user of women (and men...$$$). Very proud of the entire blastoff crew for lining the entire episode with heavy sarcasm and not biting on the "that is not funny" or "I'm being serious" b.s. Was it just me or did anyone else find it EXTREMELY SHOCKING that he just blew over the whole Tig/Kyle Bus Bang Session? He was the prototypical closeted homophobe too.....he kept reiterating "I don't care what people do with their own sexuality...blah blah blah". When Tig kept adding her "and women" bit, he just had to restate his stance...like that stance is something to wear as a badge of honor. Reminds me of when people want to take credit for not being a cheater or asshole. YA THAT IS THE NORM, GOOD FOR YOU.
  3. Mosdefjukie

    EPISODE 196 — Addiction

    Great show guys...someone needs to give Sean props on his RTJ t-shirt. Very solid.
  4. Mosdefjukie

    Episode 110 — Badgering The Hoochie

    Pleasantly surprised on this one. I thought Jason added a lot of good content and kept the banter tight.
  5. Mosdefjukie

    Episode 56 — Twins

    What an amazing episode. I might be biased as I blame the Sklars for starting me on this neverending podcast wormhole that began around 2 years ago after hearing them on Jim Rome. I agree with the sentiment, this may be the best Blastoff yet....and there wasn't even a crazy Kyle story or swamp rock! I only usually make comments when I have an actual physical reaction to a show. I literally remember hurting from laughing so hard no less than 3 times. I also remember (this is a first ever for me) actually CLAPPING when David finally agreed to look away from the light and let the "Huntsberger" just happen.
  6. Meta catchphrases are the worst type of catchphrase.
  7. Mosdefjukie

    Episode 69.5 — 3/30/12 TWO CHARTED 8

    For Kulap - This song was on repeat for an entire plain flight last week for me. Close your eyes and relax! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9ZG2VW2WJk
  8. Mosdefjukie

    Episode 69.5 — 3/30/12 TWO CHARTED 8

    For Howard - You need to add some Moka Only to your life. As Jensen stated, the only notable rappers from Canada were part of Swollen Members. Moka was a part of them off and on for several years. He has been doing his own thing now for a long time, check this song off his amazing album, Vermilion. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rl6-FUdUp7Q
  9. Mosdefjukie

    Episode 69.5 — 3/30/12 TWO CHARTED 8

    Love the two charted every week, keep em coming. I thought I would give a couple tune recommendations for my favorite hosts and see if they make a dent in their upcoming chart! I also wanted to let all Earwolf fans know how much ass these people kick for us and thought I would include a little pic of what made my day last month (check out that watch!)
  10. What an incredible episode. Brian was really entertaining and had great things to say about all your questions. I can't wait for Crank 3!! (if we ALL just fantasize about a world where there is a third Crank....we may get our dreams to come true).
  11. Mosdefjukie

    TLP Weekly Video Clips Up On Youtube

    Love the video clips! Keep them coming!
  12. Just wanted to make a possible topic that Craig might have thoughts on. I know making a Craig request is similar to yelling out song titles at a concert....everyone hates that guy. I just thought he hasn't made an appearance for awhile and wanted to if he could share his experiences on being homeschooled, why some people over 7 still say Mommy/Daddy, and what demographic he thinks he appeals to the most. Its been forum comment. Brendan L
  13. Mosdefjukie

    Episode 45 — Sex Chickens

    FYI...the song that everyone liked that was playing during 50/50 trailer was "Lunchmeat" by a band called Menomena. They are truly one of the best bands to see live....I will go out of my way to catch them whenever they come to Socal/Phoenix. They are very Portlandish....being from Portland. LOVE THEM!!! * I know this band would make it past into the Vilauckerman household, but I think even Howard would dig them. * Hopefully fellow listener Will is telling the truth and is actually 64....that just made me smile and made my day. Brendan L(emons)
  14. Mosdefjukie

    Episode 2 — Analyze Phish Episode 2

    This podcast is just so endearing. All these phish fans coming out from behind their beards to keep Harris's spirits up, only to truly know that phandom will never be attained. I think Harris's fellow phans are concerned if he listens to Phish too much sober, he might actually despise them as much as the next tasteful music lover. My theory is that Harris doesn't necessarily like listening to Phish, but that they are directly linked to the pleasure center in his brain that also likes illegal beans. Basically, he just likes to be reminded about his trips when he doesn't have mr. Magic bean man around. Brendan L
  15. Mosdefjukie

    Episode 20 — Sexual Attraction

    What a great episode. Can't say enough about how much the show just keeps getting stronger and stronger each week. This has turned from a "when I run out of other podcasts" listen to an immediate "I can't believe its already over" listen. I'm glad Sarah got a taste of Kyle's classic memory rhymes, they are such great devices for remembering those age old life lessons. Curious to see if Tig will ever comment on her prestigous time as one of our honorable Supreme court judges...holla. * Brendan Lemons
  16. Mosdefjukie

    Episode 20 — Sexual Attraction

    What a great episode. Can't say enough about how much the show just keeps getting stronger and stronger each week. This has turned from a "when I run out of other podcasts" listen to an immediate "I can't believe its already over" listen. I'm glad Sarah got a taste of Kyle's classic memory rhymes, they are such great devices for remembering those age old life lessons. Curious to see if Tig will ever comment on her prestigous time as one of our honorable Supreme court judges...holla. * Brendan Lemons
  17. Congrats to Totally Laime...I will definitely be subscribing and checking you guys out each week! * This episode seriously had me on the edge of my seat. I don't think I've ever got this invested in the outcome of any competition I wasn't involved in. Great breakdowns and explanations from all. Thanks again to the Matt and the boys, Jeff, and Scott for allowing this unique idea come to be. I'm definitely hoping for a season two (take some time off though and give yourself a full year break...plus my queue of podcasts couldn't keep up with more new additions currently). * I definitely would have been fine with either choice for the winner and hope LDDC gets picked up by another network as mentioned by some others. They have a lot to offer and can definitely broaden a network's listenership quite easily. I also agree with other people who stated that they may actually have had the overall edge in "marketability" in the long run. Logistically, TL makes more sense with the very limited podcast budgets though and adding another female voice is always good to keep it from being to much of a boys club. * Brendan L
  18. Congrats to Totally Laime...I will definitely be subscribing and checking you guys out each week! * This episode seriously had me on the edge of my seat. I don't think I've ever got this invested in the outcome of any competition I wasn't involved in. Great breakdowns and explanations from all. Thanks again to the Matt and the boys, Jeff, and Scott for allowing this unique idea come to be. I'm definitely hoping for a season two (take some time off though and give yourself a full year break...plus my queue of podcasts couldn't keep up with more new additions currently). * I definitely would have been fine with either choice for the winner and hope LDDC gets picked up by another network as mentioned by some others. They have a lot to offer and can definitely broaden a network's listenership quite easily. I also agree with other people who stated that they may actually have had the overall edge in "marketability" in the long run. Logistically, TL makes more sense with the very limited podcast budgets though and adding another female voice is always good to keep it from being to much of a boys club. * Brendan L
  19. First - I want to thank all the kind people who brought the challenge together. For a first run of anything, the strenghts greatly outweighed any minor flaws in the format. I never had the feeling that any of the eliminations were unfair or undeserved. I listen to most of the Earwolf fam of podcasts due to large chunks of driving throughout my day, but this one had me checking in at midnight to get my challenge fix as early as possible. Credit to Matt, the boys, and the contestants for putting up with the inane forum posts for this long....I think I would have wanted to maim a Dirk or two by now if I was in their shoes. * Second - I thought TL's episode today was a strong submission. Although I have been following the challenge for its entirety, I haven't listened to any of the contestants podcasts outside of the show. I would say that after listening to this episode, I am impressed that TL has done well enough to even make it this far. I definitely feel their strengths are much more apparent in the longer format. I could see how hard it would be to pick out 2 or 3 minute clips of that episode that were funny and also mostly self-contained or self-explanatory. What I was really surprised at is what I enjoyed most from the show. I actually thought the best moments weren't the question/answers directed towards Charlie (as would be assumed by the mission statement), but the random dialogue between the hosts and Charlie's input on the matter. I was really interested to hear about Elizabeth's sister's perspective on her career choice and I could see myself getting hooked on the husband/wife chemistry in the show. It might be because of where I'm at in life (30 - married 2 years- no kids) that I feel a real connection there, but I think it has wider appeal too. Great job, good luck, and both of these last two (even three) are all the real deal in my book. * Brendan L(emons)
  20. First - I want to thank all the kind people who brought the challenge together. For a first run of anything, the strenghts greatly outweighed any minor flaws in the format. I never had the feeling that any of the eliminations were unfair or undeserved. I listen to most of the Earwolf fam of podcasts due to large chunks of driving throughout my day, but this one had me checking in at midnight to get my challenge fix as early as possible. Credit to Matt, the boys, and the contestants for putting up with the inane forum posts for this long....I think I would have wanted to maim a Dirk or two by now if I was in their shoes. * Second - I thought TL's episode today was a strong submission. Although I have been following the challenge for its entirety, I haven't listened to any of the contestants podcasts outside of the show. I would say that after listening to this episode, I am impressed that TL has done well enough to even make it this far. I definitely feel their strengths are much more apparent in the longer format. I could see how hard it would be to pick out 2 or 3 minute clips of that episode that were funny and also mostly self-contained or self-explanatory. What I was really surprised at is what I enjoyed most from the show. I actually thought the best moments weren't the question/answers directed towards Charlie (as would be assumed by the mission statement), but the random dialogue between the hosts and Charlie's input on the matter. I was really interested to hear about Elizabeth's sister's perspective on her career choice and I could see myself getting hooked on the husband/wife chemistry in the show. It might be because of where I'm at in life (30 - married 2 years- no kids) that I feel a real connection there, but I think it has wider appeal too. Great job, good luck, and both of these last two (even three) are all the real deal in my book. * Brendan L(emons)
  21. Some great feedback so far on the forum. Although I think I am more naturally drawn to enjoy listening to LDDC, LHR really hit it out of the park again. For the short time constraints, they had the perfect sketch idea and edited it very well. I agree with Matt that the list lost a little steam at the end, but the initial intro by sensei Nick was just great. Even though the BADcast was my underdog pick and I had fun rooting for them, they clearly felt the weakest of the three chat shows. Not necessarily all their fault, but I do agree with some of the other suggestions as to them maybe not doing a straight forward interview with their time. From Doug's final comments and Harris's love of TL, I don't see anyone else but BADcast leaving. Don't worry, I don't think its fixed. TL deserves not to get elminated, they showed some good interview chops this week. Brendan L
  22. Wow, what a great episode to start this week off. I'm sure the fact that this was the first coaching episode taped recently helps make it feel more interactive, but Matt definitely had some raw rage shit that he needed to voice. I just turned 30 a few months ago and I completely agree that its my generation and the next who are festering this internet bully disease. Case in point - I play quite a bit of Halo/COD on Xbox Live and I don't think there is a better example of how bad our youth needs a collective ass-kicking. The worst mouths / tempers / bad sports / racists / homophobs are almost exclusively teenagers and kids in their early 20s. I like your solution Matt, but that may just work for just a select few likes-to-fight guys. The assholes who say hurtful things without regard are weak for a reason, they are trying to make up for something.....usually the lack of verbal or physical altercation skills. I really feel this forum has gotten better about policing its own and not giving credence to these paraihs, lets just hope they get the point and spew their poor self-esteem elsewhere. Note - JW....good to hear you acknowledge some of your poor comment choices....even though you haven't been really "the" bully, I'm sure we can all get better at saying nice things. Just a suggestion to all - By saying nice things about the casts you like and neglecting to comment on others will allow us insight on who you aren't feeling. It's that simple. Brendan L
  23. Mosdefjukie

    Should Chart Chatter Be At The Start?

    I think the CC more naturally fits at the top like they have it right now. The only suggestion I would agree with is to at least introduce the guest first and give them the go on commenting on us idiots. I think the flow of the show could be greatly helped with a new Howard intro ditty for CC. Those are great in serving as a strong break between segments. So, the basic beginning would turn into: Intro song, Ku intro, short small talk between H&K, intro of guest and immediately state we are going to start with some "Chart Chatter", followed by CC intro song. I think this would make Chart Chatter feel like more of a bonifide segment and the guest could start their commenting. Brendan L
  24. Mosdefjukie

    Shoot 'em Up (2007)

    I would love to see this as an episode. The beginning 10 minutes says it all....delivering a child in a warehouse while taking out bad guys with cheesy dialogue and/or bullets.
  25. Challenge is going great...love the guest judges input this week. As I've stated before, Left Handed Radio has made a crazy leap from being forgettable and easy to cheer against to consistently funny and memorable. Props go to where they belong. That being said, I have tried to digest other sketch podcasts (superego, PFT) and really haven't found a strong hook like other long form/conversation style casts. We'll see if that changes! The F+ seem like great guys, but their concept is lost on me. I guess my preference for humor is finding absurdness in a environment of normalcy. I feel like by starting off with topics that are so out there already, its hard to find anywhere else to go besides the obvious. I don't think their sole intention is to belittle freaks, but it's kinda hard not to just by the format of their show. If someone told me to read one of those posts and then comment, I'm sure I'd go the same direction. I enjoyed Bob and Dan, but I'm somewhat worried that they will be close to the chopping block again. Fingers are crossed. Totally Laime is losing steam with me. If I hear the short synopsis of their cast one more time, I might puke. The MOST important people? That is kind of a stretch. How about "We ask the most well known local comedians the least important questions"...just saying. I did find it pretty humorous that Jordan asked why didn't anyone get Elizabeth to expand on her high school exploits....um maybe because her significant other is the sidekick?!! I'm not asking my wife about her and her high school boyfriend's joint wrestling career. Matt - fuck the biters...keep up the good work. Brendan L