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Everything posted by Lando

  1. So for me (and I suspect other regulars as well), this board serves two purposes: 1. Legitimately suggest movies that would be good on an episode of HDTGM 2. Discuss movies with other regulars This thread was intended to be the 2nd.
  2. Lando

    Guardians of the Galaxy

    *Statement indicating an inability to comprehend that Sci-Fi involves suspension of disbelief*
  3. Lando


    I was going to bump this thread to ask this question. If this movie was released today, I wonder what the score would be. Was it just one of the first movies to insert that kind of style into it or what?
  4. Lando

    Bram Stoker's Dracula

    It's probably more like when George Lucas changed Star Wars so that Greedo shoots first and I am one of the fanboys who makes it a bigger deal than it really is.
  5. Lando

    Bram Stoker's Dracula

    I just felt that giving Dracula this tortured soul motivation took away most of the reason to fear him. In the book he was driven by an animalistic need to feed, not a desire to reunite with his long dead wife. It's a general pet peeve of mine when vampire movies humanize vampires too much. There are a few that have done it well, but for the most part if you stay yourself but just become mostly immortal then why should anyone fear becoming a vampire? You are right that it does follow the basic storyline, but I feel like they changed that one crucial element enough that it changes the the story in a fundamental way. Imagine if someone made a very faithful adaptation of Romeo and Juliet in every way except that the Montagues and Capulets were ok with each other. That's what this movie feels like to me.
  6. Lando

    Bram Stoker's Dracula

    I admit that it has been a long time since I've seen the movie or the book, but from what I remember the titular character seemed very different in the movie. There was a whole backstory that didn't exist in the book and there was a connection to a lost love that shared Mina's appearance that also didn't exist in the book. I thought it completely changed the character.
  7. Lando

    Bram Stoker's Dracula

    As someone who loved the book and was hugely disappointed with the movie, I think that this would be a very tough sell. I think that it's hard to convince someone who hasn't read the book how inferior the movie is. At most this movie could be considered dated. Really this movie made enough changes that it shouldn't have had "Bram Stoker's" in the title, but that alone doesn't warrant an hour long discussion.
  8. There's also the possibility that they used a bad prop because they were intentionally making a bad movie.
  9. I will say, I had a much much much better time listening to the podcast than watching Sharknado 2.
  10. There were a lot of references to other movies. A lot.
  11. Lando

    Thoughts After Viewing "Sharknado 2"

    This felt like a more boring one of those Friedberg/Seltzer "parody" films where all of the "jokes" are just references to other movies. Also Tara Reid's voice is like nails on a chalboard, they could have ADR'd her lines with Fran Drescher and it would have been a major improvement. Not gonna lie though, I loved Andy Dick as the cop and I wish the whole movie was about him on the beat. It could have been Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call Manhattan. I would watch that.
  12. Lando

    Blank Check (1994)

    I feel like this would pair up nicely with Dunston Checks in for a live event.
  13. Lando

    Thir13en Ghosts (2001)

    Has there been a movie that came after Se7en, that used numbers in place of letters that has been good?
  14. Lando

    Episode 89.5 — Minisode 89.5

    I agree when the scenario is that they're making an intentionally bad piece of art and everyone is in on the joke, but I fucking love when it's intentionally bad art that people believe is unintentionally bad and incites displeasure.
  15. Lando

    Lucy (2014)

    I could explain the Doom thing such that it makes a little more sense, but that would probably be taking your joke literally (and not in the Jason sense of literally)
  16. Lando

    Episode 89.5 — Minisode 89.5

    To be honest, I thought it was way more fun to say "Sharknado" than to watch Sharknado. I'm not really expecting much from the sequel.
  17. Lando

    Lucy (2014)

    I haven't seen this yet, but wasn't quite sure what to make of it from the commercials. On the one hand I usually enjoy Luc Besson action movies, even if the stories aren't fully formed there is usually some visually stunning action. Plus I have really enjoyed Min-sik Choi in everything that I have seen him in, so I was happy to see him making an English debut. However, I have to agree that the "100% of the brain" thing is just old and cliched. There are so many other ways that they could have phrased the idea without invoking this dated idea.
  18. Lando

    Simon Sez (1999)

    Wow this is bad. Remember when Dane Cook was supposed to be a thing? Somehow this movie happened and didn't stop his career in its tracks. You want to do some night time dock surveilance? Just send a 6'7" guy wearing bright yellow motocross pads on a noisy yellow crotch rocket. The only barrier to doing this movie might be John Pinette
  19. Lando

    Trapped in Paradise (1994)

    From what I remember, this movie isn't too bad it's a sort of harmless silly Christmas comedy. It has been a long time since I've seen it though, so my opinion could change if I saw it again.
  20. Lando

    Kangaroo Jack (2003)

    O'Connell seems like the kind of guy who has a sense of humor about himself.
  21. Lando

    Kangaroo Jack (2003)

    I would like them to do this movie and have Jerry O'Connell and Anthony Anderson as guests.
  22. Lando


    Why do the people who didn't like this movie just assume that Jason would be on their side and not the side of the vast majority of critics who had a positive opinion of it?
  23. Lando

    Now You See Me (2013)

    If Ruffalo had turned to the camera, given us double middle fingers and then dropped his pants to piss all over the lens it would have been a much much much much better and coherent ending.
  24. Lando


    You know this movie has 95% on Rotten Tomatoes right?