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Everything posted by Lando

  1. Lando

    Event Horizon (1997)

    Of all of PWSA's movies this one is probably the least HTGM-worthy. Not that it's not worthy of an episode, but it's certainly more enjoyable than pretty much anything else that he's done. Also, I didn't realize that he made Pompeii, but when I saw that my reaction was "that's about right."
  2. Lando


    Don't get me wrong, I'm gonna see the shit out of it but the trailer felt like deja vu.
  3. Lando


    So is Oblivion now a metaphor for Tom Cruise's career? Once he's done with one sci-fi Groundhogs day film he is reborn into another one:
  4. Lando

    Con Air.

    That was a lot more fun than I think people give it credit for. The action scenes are a bit tedious (especially the firetruck chase through Vegas), but this is probably one of Buscemi's most unique roles, Malkovich makes a perfect Cyrus the Virus and of course: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwAWJq5GjAM
  5. Lando


    How am I supposed to watch this film that has an 8.6 rating from a grand total of 5 users on IMDB?
  6. Lando

    Con Air.

    Bumping this 'cause I'm watching it for the first time in a long time. It's funny to watch this after having watched Armageddon so recently because you can really feel Jerry Bruckheimer's style in both of them. This movie is dumb fun, but it feels dated.
  7. Lando

    I, Frankenstein (2014)

    Every time I see new footage of this movie, my impression of this movie worsens. It was already pretty low to begin with too.
  8. Lando

    Armageddon (1998)

    Oh I know. The whole movie is filled with scenes of "We need to do X" [starts trying to do X] "OH NO OUR Y IS BROKEN! WE CAN'T DO X" [Ends up doing X in an unconventional way]. It wears down your ability to care about the outcome of a situation when you know everything is at super high stake, but yet nothing is really at that high of stake. Tangent: What I love about Game of Thrones is that it doesn't follow this conventional storytelling formula. A beloved character gets themselves into a tight situation? There's a pretty good chance that they're not magically making it out alive. Game of Thrones is very much the antithesis of the Michael Bay philosophy of film making.
  9. Lando

    Pacific Rim

    This is making me picture a steampunk version of Pacific Rim. I would watch that.
  10. Lando

    Lockout (2012)

    Holy fuck! I want them to do this movie with Neil deGrasse Tyson as the guest and then ask him if he thinks Gravity is realistic after having watched this movie.
  11. Lando

    Lockout (2012)

    Ok, I just started this movie and watched Guy Pearce jump off of a roof and hit a window on the other side WILE E. COYOTE STYLE!!!!
  12. Lando

    Black Roses (1988)

    I have this on my list of bad movies to see along with Rock 'n' Roll Nightmare
  13. Honestly, I think that The Shawshank Redemption is a pretty overrated movie. Not that it's a bad movie, but the best movie of all time? I think that is a massive overstatement of the quality of this movie. It sets emotional tee-balls and knocks them all to left field. Andy is innocent of the crime he is in jail for, all of the prison administrators and prisoners outside Andy's clique are clearly defined bad guys. It's a very black and white movie with no moral nuance. It never challenges you to sympathize with a man who killed his wife or the people tasked with keeping order in the prison. In that respect The Green Mile is a far superior movie.
  14. One thing that I don't think they covered enough was the resurgence of trends. They talked about how once Hair Metal was huge and then died with grunge, which is only half true. Hair metal did have a resurgence in the early 2000s, bands went from playing 30k arenas in the 80s to playing 1k night clubs in the 90s to playing 10k pavilions in the 00s. I wouldn't be surprised at all if in 10 years Limp Bizkit will be doing a headlining pavilion tour.
  15. I decided to start listening to this podcast from the beginning, so I am a bit behind, but I am not too surprised that an episode where The Beatles are called overrated is one of the hotter topics on this board. I just wanted to throw in my thoughts on the subject. I have been saying that they have a handful of great songs and a lot of bad and mediocre songs for a while too. I think that Come Together is an awful song, but In My Life is amazing, yet you're 30x more likely (probably 60x more likely if you were to include the Aerosmith cover) to hear Come Together than In My Life.
  16. Lando

    Pacific Rim

    Yeah, but Atlantic Rim also has giant robots fighting monsters.
  17. Lando

    Pacific Rim

    I don't know, I think that it could be done like the Fast & Furious movies. I don't know why, but I think that any movie with huge amounts of faceless civilian casualties (often as a direct result of the good guys as well as the bad) should be game for this podcast.
  18. Lando

    Now You See Me (2013)

    I visited Paris with my wife last month and of course we visited the Pont des Arts and all I could think about was that it was the place where the shitty reveal took place. I only wish I had a copy of this movie to throw into the Siene, but that would be a cruel act of pollution.
  19. Lando

    The Transformers: The Movie (1986)

    The actual video for The Touch is just as good as the song itself: Also, I didn't know Stan Bush was like a Kenny Loggins of action films:
  20. Lando

    Envy (2004)

    Honestly, this movie is pretty forgettable and as such I think it would be too boring to dissect.
  21. Lando

    insane clown posse

    I watched it while it was on Netflix, it's just awful in all of the least fun or enjoyable ways possible.
  22. Lando

    Noah (2014)

    These descriptions of the environmentalism angle are reminding me a lot of the remake of The Day The Earth Stood Still for some reason.
  23. Lando

    Noah (2014)

    You can read the story of the flood in about 5 minutes if you have a reading disability. It spans Genesis 6 through 9 and there's very little detail in it (at least in the Christian Bible. I'm not even close to a Bible expert I just know how to use Google). Nobody should be surprised that a 138 minute movie takes liberties with the story.
  24. Lando

    Miami Connection (1987)

    I have a question for those of you that have seen Cocaine Cowboys: What percentage of the budget of this movie do you think was funded with Cocaine money?
  25. Lando

    Miami Connection (1987)

    I would have just assumed that it was the 80s and that in the 80s, your gang lacked martial arts skills unless there was an Asian person in it. I went to facebook to see if there was an official Dragon Song page and got really really really excited when I saw that there was and Dragon Song was playing some gigs in my area. I was then disappointed when I discovered that it was a rennfest inspired medieval band and that they probably wouldn't know Against The Ninja.