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Everything posted by Lando

  1. Have you read the book? It's pretty gritty and a quick read.
  2. I had kind of hoped that it was Bulk or Skull that killed someone.
  3. Dana Carvey isn't that controversial is he? Cook is controversial or generally looked down upon. Guns, Girls & Gambling looks a bit like 3000 Miles to Graceland
  4. I pose a question for you folks. Say that you are sentenced to be given the Clockwork Orange treatment but you are allowed to choose between randomly assigned Adam Sandler or Dane Cook movies. Which do you pick?
  5. That's a good analogy, and a couple of his movies are like taquitos, which I eat without any drugs or alcohol in my system...
  6. So uh, Oxygen is showing this movie on 9/11...
  7. Sandler is like the McDonalds of comedy. I would never say that a Big Mac is anywhere as good as a burger from Five Guys or In & Out, but sometimes it is satisfies the urge. And I thought Punch-Drunk-Love was a so-so movie, but it should be viewed as a Paul Thomas Anderson movie and not an Adam Sandler movie.
  8. Lando

    The Cabin in the Woods (2012)

    Whoa, Morpheus was on Pee Wee! I never knew. It's not so much that they chose a movie that I enjoy, I know I am a contrarian from time to time and appreciate a well thought out differing opinion, it's the hit-and-run nature of it. This reminds me of the Silver Linings Playbook thread, but with better gifs.
  9. I don't think they are bad and still get some laughs from them. I never expect them to be Dr. Strangelove and sometimes it's satisfying to not take yourself too seriously and laugh at something immature.
  10. Lando

    The Cabin in the Woods (2012)

    I want to be welcoming to new people, but when someone suggests a movie that actually moves a genre forward it's hard to say anything but "STFU N00B"
  11. Nope, I was off: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Ranger I thought they had an episode where the Red ranger had to meditate on his ancestors or something like that.
  12. I think that the red ranger WAS Native American, but in like a Johnny Depp as Tonto kind of way and the Green ranger was the one that came in later, but became the white ranger and I think he had an Irish last name. Sadly I know this and I was 14 when the show was on, but I had a mega crush on Amy Jo Johnson so that justifies knowing so much about it right?
  13. Lando

    The World's End

    My problem wasn't that there was winking and nudging so much as that it was wink and nudge overload, but that said I really enjoyed the Cornetto trilogy and I feel like I could be real life friends with Edgar (which I know will only happen in my head of course)
  14. Lando

    The Cabin in the Woods (2012)

    Hey while we're at it let's also suggest The Naked Gun, Don't Be A Menace... and Airplane because they were also some crazy movies...
  15. For That's My Boy, it's like they knew the script was horrible and unfunny so they asked themselves how they could make people laugh in spite of the lack of good jokes so they said "give him a New England accent! People will laugh at that." Sadly, they were probably spot on.
  16. Lando

    The World's End

    I know I am in the minority but I really disliked Scott Pilgrim. I felt like it was two hours of winking and nudging and going "Get it? Video games!!!!!". I'm not some stuffy old man either, I should have been a prime target for this movie, it just rubbed me the wrong way.
  17. Lando

    Episode 70.5 — Minisode 70.5

    Oh man, this marks the first appearance of legendary actor Brian Cox.
  18. Lando


    Mark my words, "twerking" died the moment it was uttered by a reporter on TV.
  19. Not gonna lie, I enjoy You Don't Mess With The Zohan quite a bit (but That's My Boy is pretty bad)
  20. Holy shit Orlando Bloom has a honky tonk pompadour in this movie!!!!
  21. Not yet, but they can fix that by doing Now You See Me.
  22. Actually I agree that Event Horizon would be one of the less entertaining PWSA movies to do. I caught bits of his version of The Three Musketeers and it would have been less of a desecration of the novel if it was two hours of him using the novel as toilet paper. It's got Christoph Waltz in it too, AFTER he won his Oscar for Inglorious Basterds. How did that happen? I think Death Race would be one of the more enjoyable PWSA movies to watch.
  23. I've said that had Rudy not succeeded in making it on the team he'd just have been creepy.
  24. Thought this was interesting, a couple of the movies cited here are in there: http://www.hitfix.com/galleries/the-10-worst-biopics-of-all-time